Branch Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
branch 52 64 81.2

line true false branch
31 3 30 unless (defined $val)
35 10 20 if ($DATE_MODULE eq 'DateTime') { }
10 10 elsif ($DATE_MODULE eq 'Time::Moment') { }
10 0 elsif ($DATE_MODULE eq 'Time::Piece') { }
37 1 9 if (&blessed($val) and $val->isa('DateTime')) { }
1 8 elsif (&looks_like_number($val) and $val >= 100000000 and $val <= 2147483648) { }
2 6 elsif ($val =~ /$re_ymd/) { }
1 5 elsif ($val =~ /$re_ymdThmsZ/) { }
1 4 elsif (&blessed($val) and $val->isa('Time::Moment')) { }
1 3 elsif (&blessed($val) and $val->isa('Time::Piece')) { }
44 1 1 if $@
49 0 1 if $@
60 1 9 if (&blessed($val) and $val->isa('Time::Moment')) { }
1 8 elsif (&looks_like_number($val) and $val >= 100000000 and $val <= 2147483648) { }
2 6 elsif ($val =~ /$re_ymd/) { }
1 5 elsif ($val =~ /$re_ymdThmsZ/) { }
1 4 elsif (&blessed($val) and $val->isa('DateTime')) { }
1 3 elsif (&blessed($val) and $val->isa('Time::Piece')) { }
67 1 1 if $@
72 0 1 if $@
83 1 9 if (&blessed($val) and $val->isa('Time::Piece')) { }
1 8 elsif (&looks_like_number($val) and $val >= 100000000 and $val <= 2147483648) { }
2 6 elsif ($val =~ /$re_ymd/) { }
1 5 elsif ($val =~ /$re_ymdThmsZ/) { }
1 4 elsif (&blessed($val) and $val->isa('DateTime')) { }
1 3 elsif (&blessed($val) and $val->isa('Time::Moment')) { }
90 1 1 if $@
95 0 1 if $@
111 0 0 if (not defined $val) { }
0 0 elsif (&blessed($val) and $val->isa('DateTime::Duration')) { }
0 0 elsif ($val =~ /\AP
140 0 0 if $@