Branch Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
branch 45 60 75.0

line true false branch
17 3 2 if (exists $options{'only-unicode'})
18 3 0 if (defined $options{'only-unicode'})
45 7 7 unless defined $m
48 1 6 if ($m == 1) { }
2 4 elsif ($m > 1) { }
77 0 0 if ($arand < 0.2) { }
0 0 elsif ($arand < 0.4) { }
0 0 elsif ($arand < 0.6) { }
0 0 elsif ($arand < 0.8) { }
90 9360 0 defined $options{'min'} ? :
91 9360 0 defined $options{'max'} ? :
112 9360 10149 if ($@ or not defined $rc)
113 0 9360 unless ($@ =~ /how to generate (.+?)\R/)
118 9360 0 if ($type eq 'string-UTF8') { }
131 612 1342 if exists $looking_for->{'numbers'} and $looking_for->{'numbers'} == 1
132 716 1238 if exists $looking_for->{'strings-unicode'} and $looking_for->{'strings-unicode'} == 1
133 611 1343 if exists $looking_for->{'strings-plain'} and $looking_for->{'strings-plain'} == 1
134 11 1943 if exists $looking_for->{'strings'} and $looking_for->{'strings'} == 1
152 21270 2558 if ($aref eq '' or $aref eq 'SCALAR') { }
1260 1298 elsif ($aref eq 'ARRAY') { }
1298 0 elsif ($aref eq 'HASH') { }
153 0 21270 if ($aref eq 'SCALAR')
154 5468 15802 if (&looks_like_number($inp))
155 404 5064 if $looking_for & 1
158 14952 850 if (_has_utf8($inp))
159 597 14355 if $looking_for & 2
162 280 570 if $looking_for & 4
167 626 7472 if $r
172 398 6689 if $r
174 351 6338 if $r