Branch Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
branch 55 100 55.0

line true false branch
77 0 23 if exists $options{'-classes'}
78 8 15 if exists $options{'-drefs'}
79 0 23 if exists $options{'-multiline'}
80 3 20 if exists $options{'-maxitems'}
94 0 571 unless defined $target
97 557 14 unless (ref $target)
98 0 557 if ($Data::PropertyList::Multiline and $target =~ /\n.*?\n/) { }
99 0 0 $target =~ /\n\Z/ ? :
108 0 0 length $Data::PropertyList::DRefs{$target} ? :
0 14 if exists $Data::PropertyList::DRefs{$target} and $Data::PropertyList::Supress{$target}
113 8 6 unless exists $Data::PropertyList::DRefs{$target}
122 3 11 if $Data::PropertyList::ShowDRefs and length $Data::PropertyList::CurrentDRef
126 6 8 if length $Data::PropertyList::CurrentDRef
129 0 0 if $Data::PropertyList::ShowClasses and ref $target and not ref($target) =~ /\A(ARRAY|HASH|SCALAR|REF|CODE)\Z/
132 6 8 if (UNIVERSAL::isa($target, 'HASH')) { }
8 0 elsif (UNIVERSAL::isa($target, 'ARRAY')) { }
0 0 elsif (UNIVERSAL::isa($target, 'REF') or UNIVERSAL::isa($target, 'SCALAR')) { }
136 12 0 unless ref $value
137 0 0 unless exists $Data::PropertyList::DRefs{$value}
140 6 0 if $Data::PropertyList::CurrentDepth
141 6 0 if $result
146 0 12 if ref $$target{$key}
150 6 0 if $Data::PropertyList::CurrentDepth
160 518 6 unless ref $value
162 6 0 unless exists $Data::PropertyList::DRefs{$value}
165 3 5 $one_line ? :
166 0 8 if $Data::PropertyList::CurrentDepth
167 0 8 if $result
170 259 265 $one_line ? :
172 6 518 if ref $$target[$key]
176 0 0 !$one_line ? :
0 8 if $Data::PropertyList::CurrentDepth
208 15 1 if ($options{'-scalar'}) { }
1 0 elsif ($options{'-array'}) { }
220 0 0 $Data::PropertyList::Source ? :
242 0 9 if $current_line =~ /^\s*$/
245 3 6 if $current_line =~ /^\s*\}[,;]/o
248 0 6 if ($current_line =~ s/^\s*\"(([^\"\\]|\\.)+)\"//o) { }
6 0 elsif ($current_line =~ s/^\s*(\S+)//o) { }
257 0 6 unless $current_line =~ s/^\s*=\s*//o
262 0 6 unless defined $key
282 0 3 if $current_line =~ /^\s*$/
285 0 3 if $current_line =~ /^\s*\)[,;]/o
307 0 0 if $current_line =~ /^\s*\Q$ender\E[\;\,]?\s*$/
319 10 14 if ($current_line =~ /^\s*\"(([^\"\\]|\\.)*)\"\Q$end_value\E\s*/) { }
11 3 elsif ($current_line =~ /^\s*(\S+?)\Q$end_value\E\s*/) { }
0 3 elsif ($current_line =~ m[^\s*(/\*.*?\*/)\s*\Q$end_value\E\s*]) { }
3 0 elsif ($current_line =~ /^\s*\{/o) { }
0 0 elsif ($current_line =~ /^\s*\(/o) { }
0 0 elsif ($current_line =~ /^\s*\<\<(\w+)(?:\Q$end_value\E)?/o) { }