Branch Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
branch 64 74 86.4

line true false branch
43 1 187 unless $self->{'data'}
53 8 272 unless my $schema_key = $self->_schema_twin_key($key)
57 1 271 if $e
65 0 272 if ($self->{'schema'}{$schema_key}{'no_descend_into'})
71 7 265 unless (%{$self->{'schema'}{$schema_key};})
75 168 97 unless ($self->{'schema'}{$schema_key}{'members'})
85 92 5 if (ref $self->{'data'}{$key} eq ref {}) { }
2 3 elsif (ref $self->{'data'}{$key} eq ref [] and $self->{'schema'}{$schema_key}{'array'}) { }
105 1 0 if not defined $member and $self->{'schema'}{$schema_key}{'allow_empty'}
122 3 0 if ($self->{'schema'}{$schema_key}{'members'}) { }
158 15 3779 if $self->{'verbose'}
170 1243 1 unless $self->{'schema'}{$key}{'default'}
172 1 0 unless $self->{'data'}{$key}
184 1163 81 if ($self->{'schema'}{$key}{'optional'} and $self->{'schema'}{$key}{'optional'}) { }
188 61 20 if defined $self->{'data'}{$key}
191 10 10 if ($self->{'schema'}{$key}{'regex'})
197 11 8 if $c_key =~ /$key/
200 9 1 if $c > 0
206 4 7 if $self->{'schema'}{$key}{'error_msg'}
209 4 7 if ($error_msg)
229 181 99 if ($self->{'schema'}{$key}) { }
241 42 97 unless exists $self->{'schema'}{$match_key} and $self->{'schema'}{$match_key}{'regex'}
243 91 6 if ($key =~ /$match_key/)
252 8 272 unless ($schema_key)
266 135 137 unless $self->{'schema'}{$schema_key}{'validator'}
269 3 134 if (ref $self->{'data'}{$key} eq ref [] and $self->{'schema'}{$schema_key}{'array'}) { }
275 0 0 if not defined $elem and $self->{'schema'}{$schema_key}{'allow_empty'}
278 3 4 if ($return_value) { }
291 6 128 if (defined &blessed($validator)) { }
297 11 123 if ($return_value) { }
313 14 167 if (exists $self->{'schema'}{$key} and $self->{'schema'}{$key}{'value'})
319 0 14 if (ref $self->{'schema'}{$key}{'value'} eq 'CODE') { }
14 0 elsif (ref $self->{'schema'}{$key}{'value'} eq 'Regexp') { }
323 1 13 if (ref $self->{'data'}{$key} eq ref [] and $self->{'schema'}{$key}{'array'}) { }
328 0 0 if not defined $elem and $self->{'schema'}{$key}{'allow_empty'}
332 4 1 if ($elem =~ /^$self->{'schema'}{$key}{'value'}$/) { }
346 12 1 if ($self->{'data'}{$key} =~ /^$self->{'schema'}{$key}{'value'}$/) { }