Branch Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
branch 26 32 81.2

line true false branch
83 1 16 if $class->debug
85 13 4 unless @dict
86 0 17 unless defined $file
89 4 13 if (@dict) { }
93 1 5 unless -f $dict and -r $dict
97 0 13 unless -f $file and -r $file
104 0 18 unless my $book = 'IO::File'->new($file)
107 38 4 if $name
125 2 20 if ($class->debug)
155 1 1 unless $path and -d $path and -r $path
190 1 6 if (@_ == 1)
198 0 6 unless defined $file
200 3 3 if -d $file and defined $dict
201 5 1 unless -f $file and -r $file
203 0 1 unless my $book = 'IO::File'->new($file)
205 2 0 if /(.*?)=/ and $1