Condition Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
condition 18 37 48.6

and 3 conditions

line !l l&&!r l&&r condition
40 0 0 27 $_[0] and $_[0] <= 256
41 0 0 27 $_[0] and $_[0] <= 192
44 1 0 13 $width and $height

or 2 conditions

line l !l condition
52 10 0 delete $opts{'width'} || 256
53 10 0 delete $opts{'height'} || 64
54 10 0 delete $opts{'sp_width'} || 16
55 10 0 delete $opts{'sp_height'} || 16
103 3 0 delete $opts{'width'} || 256
106 3 0 delete $opts{'height'} || 64
109 3 0 delete $opts{'sp_width'} || 16
110 3 0 delete $opts{'sp_height'} || 16
136 5 0 delete $opts{'sp_width'} || 16
137 5 0 delete $opts{'sp_height'} || 16
199 1 4 delete $$bmp{'colormap'} || [0, 3684408, 16259072, 16275648, 14576, 7878904, 47352, 9459752, 16293888, 16304288, 30720, 61464, 16310272, 12105912, 0, 16316664, 0, 2631720, 8925224, 9984128, 2111616, 6310032, 2650248, 5783600, 8937512, 10522752, 1064976, 2129968, 8943656, 8421504, 16316664, 0, 16316664, 16316616, 16316568, 16316512, 16316464, 16316416, 16304376, 16304328, 16304280, 16304224, 16304176, 16304128, 16292088, 16292040, 16291992, 16291936, 16291888, 16291840, 16277752, 16277704, 16277656, 16277600, 16277552, 16277504, 16265464, 16265416, 16265368, 16265312, 16265264, 16265216, 16253176, 16253128, 16253080, 16253024, 16252976, 16252928, 13170936, 13170888, 13170840, 13170784, 13170736, 13170688, 13158648, 13158600, 13158552, 13158496, 13158448, 13158400, 13146360, 13146312, 13146264, 13146208, 13146160, 13146112, 13132024, 13131976, 13131928, 13131872, 13131824, 13131776, 13119736, 13119688, 13119640, 13119584, 13119536, 13119488, 13107448, 13107400, 13107352, 13107296, 13107248, 13107200, 10025208, 10025160, 10025112, 10025056, 10025008, 10024960, 10012920, 10012872, 10012824, 10012768, 10012720, 10012672, 10000632, 10000584, 10000536, 10000480, 10000432, 10000384, 9986296, 9986248, 9986200, 9986144, 9986096, 9986048, 9974008, 9973960, 9973912, 9973856, 9973808, 9973760, 9961720, 9961672, 9961624, 9961568, 9961520, 9961472, 6355192, 6355144, 6355096, 6355040, 6354992, 6354944, 6342904, 6342856, 6342808, 6342752, 6342704, 6342656, 6330616, 6330568, 6330520, 6330464, 6330416, 6330368, 6316280, 6316232, 6316184, 6316128, 6316080, 6316032, 6303992, 6303944, 6303896, 6303840, 6303792, 6303744, 6291704, 6291656, 6291608, 6291552, 6291504, 6291456, 3209464, 3209416, 3209368, 3209312, 3209264, 3209216, 3197176, 3197128, 3197080, 3197024, 3196976, 3196928, 3184888, 3184840, 3184792, 3184736, 3184688, 3184640, 3170552, 3170504, 3170456, 3170400, 3170352, 3170304, 3158264, 3158216, 3158168, 3158112, 3158064, 3158016, 3145976, 3145928, 3145880, 3145824, 3145776, 3145728, 63736, 63688, 63640, 63584, 63536, 63488, 51448, 51400, 51352, 51296, 51248, 51200, 39160, 39112, 39064, 39008, 38960, 38912, 24824, 24776, 24728, 24672, 24624, 24576, 12536, 12488, 12440, 12384, 12336, 12288, 248, 200, 152, 96, 48, 15263976, 14211288, 12105912, 11053224, 8947848, 7368816, 5263440, 4210752, 2105376]

or 3 conditions

line l !l&&r !l&&!r condition
58 0 0 10 $sp_width > $width or $width % $sp_width
60 0 0 10 $sp_height > $height or $height % $sp_height