Branch Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
branch 16 18 88.8

line true false branch
10 1302 0 if ($data_type)
11 67 1235 if ($data_type =~ /blob/i or $data_type =~ /bin/i or $data_type =~ /\Abigint\Z/i)
24 48 188 if (exists $$args{'options'}{'auto_increment'} and $$args{'options'}{'auto_increment'})
30 2 186 if (exists $$args{'options'}{'binary'} and $$args{'options'}{'binary'})
42 5 181 if ($type =~ /BIN/)
48 2 179 if ($type eq 'BIGINT')
60 48 48 if $$c{'_sqlite_output_primary_key'}
66 86 10 unless @{$unique;}
78 96 0 unless $$attributes{'SQLite'}