Condition Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
condition 55 67 82.0

and 3 conditions

line !l l&&!r l&&r condition
47 2558 9 5 $r2 and $f1 eq Data::Dmp::dmp($_)
48 9 2202 356 not $r2 and $needle eq $_
151 10 5 0 defined $dis and ref $dis ne 'ARRAY'
156 60 25 5 $dis && $self->_in($_->name, $dis)
179 34 0 0 defined $dis and ref $dis ne 'ARRAY'
182 34 0 0 $dis and $self->_in($mode, $dis)
194 2064 226 1 defined $dis and ref $dis ne 'ARRAY'
198 12384 1102 254 $dis && $self->_in($_->name, $dis)
249 488 539 2 defined $res and @{$self->mem->{$mk}{'todo'};}
276 770 1 5 not $c->allow_create_array and $tl ne 'ARRAY'
771 0 5 not $c->allow_create_array and $tl ne 'ARRAY' and $tr eq 'ARRAY'
279 765 1 5 not $c->allow_create_hash and $tl ne 'HASH'
766 0 5 not $c->allow_create_hash and $tl ne 'HASH' and $tr eq 'HASH'
282 758 1 7 not $c->allow_destroy_array and $tl eq 'ARRAY'
759 2 5 not $c->allow_destroy_array and $tl eq 'ARRAY' and $tr ne 'ARRAY'
285 753 0 8 not $c->allow_destroy_hash and $tl eq 'HASH'
753 3 5 not $c->allow_destroy_hash and $tl eq 'HASH' and $tr ne 'HASH'

or 3 conditions

line l !l&&r !l&&!r condition
61 107 0 0 $is_hashref or UNIVERSAL::isa($self->config, 'Data::ModeMerge::Config')
264 453 323 0 $mode //= $c->default_mode
294 387 19 350 $rl or $rr
339 0 2 4 not defined $p2->[$i] or $p1->[$i] ne $p2->[$i]

xor 4 conditions

line l&&r l&&!r !l&&r !l&&!r condition
46 14 3 2 2558 $r1 xor $r2