Branch Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
branch 123 148 83.1

line true false branch
699 0 4 unless defined $parser
711 11 1 unless exists $$self{'actual_vcol'}{'reverse_flag'}
724 0 16 if ($min > $max)
742 0 5 unless open VCOLFILE, $file
745 0 5 if $#cmp == -1
747 3 2 if (exists $$Data::Generate::vchain_type{$$self{'chain_type'}} and exists $$Data::Generate::vchain_type{$$self{'chain_type'}}{'check_type'})
757 15 4 if defined $result
782 16 8 if ($$self{'actual_vcol'}{'type'} =~ /^(month|year)$/)
789 0 8 if $$self{'actual_vcol'}{'type'} ne 'day'
794 2 6 if (exists $$self{'day_vcol'}{'weekday_term_list'})
817 11 13 if $day_term < 1
828 200 0 if defined str2time($date_term)
867 8 6 if $_[0] < $fraction_start
951 0 8 if (@$vchain_exp_list == 0)
986 2 2 if ($#{$$vchain_merged{'vcol_hash'}{'1'}{'value_column'};} == 0 and $$vchain_merged{'vcol_hash'}{'1'}{'value_column'}[0] == 0 and $#{$$vchain_merged{'vcol_hash'}{'2'}{'value_column'};} == 0 and $$vchain_merged{'vcol_hash'}{'2'}{'value_column'}[0] eq '.' and $#{$$vchain_merged{'vcol_hash'}{'3'}{'value_column'};} == 0 and $$vchain_merged{'vcol_hash'}{'3'}{'value_column'}[0] == 0 and $$vchain_merged{'vcol_count'} == 3)
995 0 2 if defined $vchain_zero
1032 1 25 if ($$self{'actual_vchain'}{'chain_subtype'} eq 'FLOATLIST')
1039 8 17 if ($$self{'actual_vchain'}{'chain_subtype'} eq 'FLOATINTPART')
1043 5 3 if not exists $$self{'actual_vchain'}{'sign'} or exists $$self{'actual_vchain'}{'sign'}{'+'}
1046 5 3 if exists $$self{'actual_vchain'}{'sign'} and exists $$self{'actual_vchain'}{'sign'}{'-'}
1059 8 9 if ($$self{'actual_vchain'}{'chain_subtype'} eq 'FLOATFRACTION')
1066 1 8 if ($$self{'actual_vchain'}{'chain_subtype'} eq 'FLOATEXP')
1076 0 8 unless $$self{'actual_vchain'}{'chain_subtype'} eq 'FLOATTOTAL'
1081 7 1 unless (exists $$self{'FLOAT_EXP_PART'})
1136 11 2 if not exists $$last_vchain{'sign'} or exists $$last_vchain{'sign'}{'+'}
1138 3 10 if exists $$last_vchain{'sign'} and exists $$last_vchain{'sign'}{'-'}
1146 9 4 if $$vchain{'vcol_count'} == 0 and @{$$vchain{'vcol_hash'}{'0'}{'value_column'};} == 1 and $$vchain{'vcol_hash'}{'0'}{'value_column'}[0] == 0
1196 73 31 unless $vcol_value =~ /^0+$/
1197 31 73 if $vcol_value =~ /^0+$/
1199 36 10 if (@$vcol_nonzero_list > 0)
1207 15 31 unless @$vcol_zero_list > 0
1214 31 20 if $_[0] == 0
1220 16 15 if (@$vcol_zero_list > 0)
1256 39 165 unless defined $new_index
1274 0 101 unless defined $type
1275 16 85 unless exists $$Data::Generate::vcol_type{$type}
1278 85 0 if (exists $$limit_check_hash{'lowlimit'} and defined $$limit_check_hash{'lowlimit'})
1281 0 85 if $value < $$limit_check_hash{'lowlimit'}
1285 85 0 if (exists $$limit_check_hash{'highlimit'} and defined $$limit_check_hash{'highlimit'})
1288 0 85 if $value > $$limit_check_hash{'highlimit'}
1306 0 2 if ($min > $max)
1397 21 102 if exists $$self{'actual_vcol'}{'quantifier'}
1401 24 99 if (defined $$self{'actual_vcol'}{'type'} and $$self{'actual_vcol'}{'type'} =~ /^(day|month|year)$/) { }
0 99 elsif (defined $$self{'actual_vcol'}{'type'} and $$self{'actual_vcol'}{'type'} eq 'sign') { }
1452 5 49 if ($$self{'chain_type'} eq 'INTEGER')
1457 2 47 if (exists $$self{'actual_vchain'}{'chain_subtype'} and $$self{'actual_vchain'}{'chain_subtype'} eq 'DATEWITHFRACTION')
1463 26 21 if ($$self{'chain_type'} eq 'FLOAT')
1489 1 786 if (exists $$self{'ct_length'} and defined $$self{'ct_length'} and $$self{'actual_vchain'}{'vchain_length'} + $vterm_length > $$self{'ct_length'}) { }
2 784 elsif ($$unique{$value_term}++ > 0) { }
1508 142 642 $vterm_length > $vcol_maxlength ? :
1513 1 135 if ($#{$value_column;} == -1)
1518 82 53 if (exists $$self{'actual_vchain'}{'vcol_count'}) { }
1545 181 75 unless $$hash{$_}
1592 271 297 if ($vchain_occupation_ratio == 1) { }
1617 0 66 unless defined $$vchain_ref{'weigth'} and defined $$vchain_ref{'vchain_card'}
1619 66 0 if ($$vchain_ref{'weigth'} > 0.0001) { }
1628 0 66 if $$vchain_ref{'weigthed_card'} < 1
1629 29 37 unless defined $weigthed_card
1631 4 62 if $weigthed_card > $$vchain_ref{'weigthed_card'}
1636 1 28 if (int($weigthed_card) + 1 - $weigthed_card < 1e-09)
1714 2 52 if ($data_card > $$self{'card'})
1728 0 121 if (int $$vchain_ref{'data_card'} > $$vchain_ref{'vchain_card'})
1752 88 3711 if $i == $j
1766 0 29 if @{$$self{'vchain_array'};} == 0
1799 130 438 if exists $$Data::Generate::vchain_type{$chain_type} and exists $$Data::Generate::vchain_type{$chain_type}{'vcol_output_format'}
1815 22 32 if exists $$Data::Generate::vchain_type{$chain_type} and exists $$Data::Generate::vchain_type{$chain_type}{'output_format_fct'}
1820 7 47 if $chain_type eq 'INTEGER'
1826 0 3836 if ($last eq $item)
1834 0 54 if $duplicates > 0
1853 450 118 unless defined $format
1861 0 9090 unless defined $card
1862 393 8697 if @composed >= $card
1886 4 25 unless defined $Data::Generate::Parser
1897 0 29 unless $Data::Generate::current->is_valid