Condition Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
condition 19 30 63.3

and 3 conditions

line !l l&&!r l&&r condition
95 0 2 2 $_[$start] and $_[$start] =~ /$METAINFOregex/
107 1 2 1 $_[$start] and $_[$start] =~ /$METAPARENTregex/
117 0 3 8 $_[$end] and $_[$end] =~ /$METAregex/
125 7 0 0 $isValidEmbedding_func and not &$isValidEmbedding_func(undef, $1, $meta)
137 1 0 5 exists $$meta{'name'} and $1 ne 'FORM'
147 2 1 1 $trailingMeta and $_[$end] =~ /^\n?$/o
162 1 2 0 not $trailingMeta and $$topic{'TEXT'} =~ /^(%META:([^{]+){(.*)}%\n)/

or 3 conditions

line l !l&&r !l&&!r condition
97 2 0 0 not $isValidEmbedding_func or &$isValidEmbedding_func(undef, $1, $hash)
110 1 0 0 not $isValidEmbedding_func or &$isValidEmbedding_func(undef, $1, $hash)
122 1 0 7 $1 eq 'TOPICINFO' or $1 eq 'TOPICPARENT'