Branch Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
branch 17 20 85.0

line true false branch
112 36 4 if (not $type) { }
4 0 elsif (my $find_paths = $path{$type}) { }
113 11 25 if (not $ref and $item eq $search_term) { }
2 41 elsif ('Regexp' eq $ref and $item =~ /$search_term/) { }
121 3 1 unless ($$seen{$item})
141 9 6 if (not $type) { }
6 0 elsif (my $find_paths = $path{$type}) { }
142 3 6 if (not $ref and $item eq $search_term) { }
1 7 elsif ('Regexp' eq $ref and $item =~ /$search_term/) { }
150 6 0 unless ($$seen{$item})