Branch Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
branch 49 62 79.0

line true false branch
80 0 20 unless defined $rawsrc
81 0 20 unless $readstyle =~ /\A(?:getc|sysread)\z/
106 72862 0 if ($$self{'readstyle'} eq 'getc') { }
0 0 elsif ($$self{'readstyle'} eq 'sysread') { }
110 4 72858 unless (defined $octet)
112 0 4 unless ($errmsg)
123 0 0 defined $n ? :
0 0 unless $n
143 34950 0 if ($$self{'num'} < $uselimit)
177 193 28 if $nbits
198 500 32512 if $type eq 'Math::BigRat'
202 4475 87989 if $type ne ''
215 27051 261 if ($len)
224 65 4117 if ($nl > $ml)
232 26036 1274 $type eq '' ? :
235 4466 80111 if $type ne ''
238 500 26810 if $type eq 'Math::BigRat'
261 0 3034 unless $prob0 >= 0 and $prob1 >= 0
263 49 2985 if ($prob0 == 0) { }
135 2850 elsif ($prob1 == 0) { }
264 0 49 if $prob1 == 0
272 823 2027 unless @$max0 == $len
278 2880 580 $i == $len - 1 ? :
280 3274 186 $maybe0 ? :
281 3277 183 $maybebad ? :
282 1530 1930 $i ? :
283 1628 1832 if ($nl < $m0l + $lastlimb) { }
1222 610 elsif ($nl > $m0l and $nl < $mtl + $lastlimb) { }
30 580 elsif ($nl > $mtl) { }
294 186 394 if $nl > $m0l
295 183 397 if $nl < $mtl