Branch Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
branch 43 48 89.5

line true false branch
63 0 40 unless $on and $should and $because
70 40 0 unless (@$errors)
75 5 35 unless $success
79 11 29 if (not @$errors and $each)
91 0 6 unless defined $path
110 0 5 if $number_of_routes > 1
113 1 4 if $number_of_routes == 0
124 36 56 unless @$bases
134 9 36 $add_base ? :
153 15 23 unless exists $$label_for{$var_name}
161 3 20 if @$errors
216 6 581 unless defined $current
217 182 399 if $element eq ''
223 73 326 if ($element eq '*') { }
225 101 elsif ($type eq 'HASH' and exists $$current{$element}) { }
92 10 elsif ($type eq 'ARRAY' and looks_like_number $element and $element >= 0 && $element < @$current || $element < 0 && abs $element <= @$current) { }
224 42 31 if ($type eq 'HASH') { }
31 0 elsif ($type eq 'ARRAY') { }
231 51 29 if $match
241 53 12 if $match
256 73 326 if ($generator)
265 317 9 if ($advancer)
279 99 83 if $do_expansion
289 18 381 if (@parts == 3 and defined $parts[2]) { }