Branch Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
branch 47 54 87.0

line true false branch
166 1 25 if (not grep({$_ eq $prop;} @styleopts, @okPrefs)) { }
18 7 elsif ($prop ne 'init') { }
175 1 6 unless ref($val) =~ /SCALAR/
178 1 6 if defined $$val
189 0 2 unless $_[0] =~ / redefined/
196 2 43 if wantarray
197 1 42 if defined wantarray
205 781 122 if ref $ezdd eq 'Data::Dumper::EasyOO'
207 1 902 if $cfg{'_ezdd_noreset'}
214 867 104 if (grep {$attr eq $_;} @styleopts) { }
70 34 elsif (grep {$item eq $_;} @ddmethods) { }
28 6 elsif (grep {$attr eq $_;} @okPrefs) { }
233 0 694 if $meth eq 'DESTROY'
235 693 1 unless wantarray
253 0 0 unless $_[0] =~ / redefined/
280 3 119 if (ref $cls)
295 1187 3 unless ($$ddo{'_ezdd_noreset'})
300 1124 66 if (@args == 1) { }
6 60 elsif (@args % 2) { }
302 785 339 if defined $args[0] and $args[0] == $magic
316 1 59 if (grep {ref $_;} values %rev) { }
327 393 12 if defined wantarray
331 3 9 unless (defined $$ddo{'autoprint'})
337 0 9 unless $auto
341 6 3 if (ref $auto and ref $auto eq 'GLOB' || $auto->can('print')) { }
0 3 elsif ($auto == 1) { }
0 3 elsif ($auto == 2) { }