Branch Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
branch 623 898 69.3

line true false branch
128 24 0 if ($] >= 5.01301) { }
0 0 elsif ($] >= 5.013006) { }
0 0 elsif ($] >= 5.009004) { }
131 0 24 unless eval "\n use re qw(regexp_pattern is_regexp);\n *regex= *regexp_pattern;\n "
139 0 0 unless eval "\n use re qw(regexp_pattern is_regexp);\n sub regex {\n if (wantarray) {\n my (\$pat,\$mod) = regexp_pattern(\$_[0]);\n if (\$mod) {\n \$mod =~ tr/dlua?//d;\n }\n return (\$pat,\$mod);\n }\n else {\n return scalar regexp_pattern(\$_[0]);\n }\n }\n 1;\n "
157 0 0 unless eval "\n use re qw(regexp_pattern is_regexp);\n *regex= *regexp_pattern;\n 1;\n "
166 0 24 if ($] <= "5.008")
171 0 24 if ($] < 5.008) { }
196 0 6 unless ref $hash
202 85 1 unless (exists $hash->{$key})
213 0 24 if ($] <= 5.008008) { }
230 0 0 unless exists $done{$isa}
252 2 24 if ($idx = grep((lc $_[$_] eq "as"), 0 .. $#_))
722 2 2 unless @_
788 7 995 unless (ref $self)
829 508 32 unless (m([^ !""\#\$%&''()*+,\-./0-9:;<=>?\@A-Z[\\\]^_`a-z{|}~]))
843 6 26 if (length $_ != do { use bytes; length $_ }) { }
868 608 1139 if ($v =~ /$numeric_rex/) { }
1131 8 elsif (not $v =~ /[^\x20-\x7E]/) { }
880 0 4764 if (not defined $key or $key eq '') { }
4232 532 elsif ($key =~ /$numeric_rex/ or $key =~ /\A-?[A-Za-z_]\w*\z/) { }
906 155 132 do { $uname =~ /^[-*]/ } ? :
287 503 $uname ? :
910 2 501 unless ($self->{'style'}{'verbose'})
919 2 0 if ($n <= length $abr)
954 0 0 if $self->{'ref_id'} and $self->{'sv_id'}
967 220 4469 if ($var =~ s/^([\@\%\$])(?=\$)//) { }
973 406 4283 if ($brace and not $rest) { }
975 406 0 wantarray ? :
986 0 5711 if $Data::Dump::Streamer::DEBUG > 1
987 0 5711 if $tname{$type}
988 4579 1132 if ($type =~ /[[{]/) { }
1132 0 elsif ($type =~ /^[\@\%\$]$/) { }
992 332 1336 if ($name =~ /^([\@\%\$])(\w+)$/ or $sigil or $name =~ /^\*.*\{(?:SCALAR|HASH|ARRAY)\}$/)
997 2764 479 if not $name =~ s/^[\@\%]/\$/ or $sigil
1002 0 4579 if $Data::Dump::Streamer::DEBUG > 1
1004 2197 2382 if ($type eq '[') { }
2382 0 elsif ($type eq '{') { }
1012 653 479 if $name =~ /[\[\{]/ or $name =~ /^\*/
1014 1132 0 unless substr($name, 0, 1) eq $type and $type ne "\$"
1021 0 5711 if $Data::Dump::Streamer::DEBUG > 1
1028 2681 8672 unless $key =~ /^(sv|ref|fix|cat|type|names|reqs|cache)/
1053 0 0 $self->{'special'}{$idx} ? :
0 0 $self->{'svro'}[$idx] ? :
0 0 defined ${$self->{'svdu'}[$idx];} ? :
0 0 !$self->{'svdu'}[$idx] ? :
0 0 defined $self->{'unames'}[$idx - 1] ? :
0 0 $oidx ? :
0 0 $self->{'svon'}{$idx} ? :
1055 0 0 if ($prefix and $oidx)
1068 0 0 defined $self->{$_}[$idx] ? :
1075 0 0 defined ${$self->{'refdu'}[$idx];} ? :
0 0 !$self->{'refdu'}[$idx] ? :
0 0 $oidx ? :
1156 47 0 if $self
1161 3 31 if (&blessed($_[0]) and &blessed($_[0]) eq "Data::Dump::Streamer")
1164 15 19 if (@_) { }
1165 8 7 if (defined wantarray and not wantarray) { }
1174 2 17 if ($obj) { }
1199 0 2 unless ($Data::Dump::Streamer::HasPadWalker)
1205 0 2 if (&blessed($_[0]) and &blessed($_[0]) eq "Data::Dump::Streamer")
1228 5 2 if $name = $pad_vars{&refaddr($_)}
1233 2 0 if (defined wantarray and not wantarray) { }
1257 0 1 if (&blessed($_[0]) and &blessed($_[0]) eq "Data::Dump::Streamer")
1260 0 1 if (@_ % 2)
1271 1 0 if (defined wantarray and not wantarray) { }
1286 0 2277 if $Data::Dump::Streamer::DEBUG
1289 676 1601 if $arg
1291 1577 700 unless ($idx = $self->{'ref'}{$addr})
1293 641 936 if $arg
1298 1577 0 wantarray ? :
1301 35 665 if $arg
1302 700 0 wantarray ? :
1308 0 1548 if $name =~ /^\$\*/
1311 790 758 if $arg
1312 339 1209 if ($idx = $self->{'sv'}{$addr}) { }
1318 8 1201 if &isweak($_[1])
1321 139 1070 if ($self->{'svn'}[$idx] ne $name)
1328 0 339 if ($Data::Dump::Streamer::DEBUG > 9)
1333 12 327 if ($self->{'svn'}[$idx] =~ /^\$\{?\$/ and not $name =~ /^\$\{?\$/)
1338 790 758 if $arg
1339 0 1548 if $self->{'svrt'}{$name}
1386 2232 28 if (substr($type, 0, 1) ne '*') { }
28 0 elsif ($self->{'style'}{'dumpglob'}) { }
1398 84 56 unless defined $v
1399 11 45 if $t eq "SCALAR" and not defined $$v
1415 0 347 if $Data::Dump::Streamer::DEBUG
1417 340 7 if (@_) { }
0 7 elsif ($self->{'cataloged'}) { }
1441 682 108 if (my $type = &reftype_or_glob(${$$arg{"item"};}))
1457 0 2277 if $Data::Dump::Streamer::DEBUG >= 10
1474 1 2280 if ($self->{'ref_fz'}{$raddr})
1475 0 1 if $Data::Dump::Streamer::DEBUG
1480 0 2280 if $Data::Dump::Streamer::DEBUG
1482 0 2280 unless ($raddr)
1483 0 0 if $Data::Dump::Streamer::DEBUG
1488 4 2276 if $frozen
1490 1 2275 if ($self->{'style'}{'ignore'}{"#$raddr"} or $class and $self->{'style'}{'ignore'}{".$class"}) { }
149 4116 elsif ($class and not $self->{'cache_skip_freeze'}{$class}) { }
1491 0 1 if $Data::Dump::Streamer::DEBUG
1498 149 0 if (not defined $freezer) { }
0 0 elsif (ref $freezer) { }
1504 290 150 if ($freezer) { }
1 149 elsif (defined $freezer) { }
1505 0 290 if (ref $freezer) { }
6 284 elsif ($class->can($freezer)) { }
1509 0 0 unless $@
1514 6 0 unless $@
1520 145 4 if (not defined $proxy) { }
1531 4 145 if ($thaw)
1534 0 149 if ($postop)
1537 149 0 if (&refaddr($proxy) != $raddr)
1540 4 145 if (ref $proxy) { }
1551 700 1577 if $dupe
1555 0 2277 if $Data::Dump::Streamer::DEBUG > 9
1556 700 1577 if $dupe
1563 26 1551 if (defined $class and overload::Overloaded($item))
1570 548 1029 if ($reftype eq 'SCALAR' or $reftype eq 'REF' or $reftype eq 'GLOB') { }
396 633 elsif ($reftype eq 'ARRAY') { }
509 124 elsif ($reftype eq 'HASH') { }
68 56 elsif ($reftype eq 'CODE') { }
5 51 elsif ($reftype eq 'FORMAT') { }
1576 548 0 if ($cnt > 1)
1580 368 180 if (my $type = &reftype_or_glob($$item))
1589 184 952 if ($cnt > 1)
1590 0 184 if $Data::Dump::Streamer::DEBUG > 9
1595 680 456 if (my $type = &reftype_or_glob($item->[$idx]))
1603 0 509 if ($thaw)
1609 0 509 if $keyary and &reftype($keyary) ne "ARRAY"
1611 1700 0 defined $keyary ? :
1615 1191 0 if ($ik)
1618 603 588 if $key_len < length $qk
1623 26 1165 if ($cnt > 1)
1627 500 691 if (my $type = &reftype_or_glob($item->{$key}))
1632 495 14 $key_count > 0 ? :
1633 0 509 $key_len > 8 && 0.66666666666666663 * $key_len > $avg ? :
1639 40 28 if ($pass == 1)
1644 39 39 unless $name =~ /\D/
1646 30 9 unless ($lex_addr{$addr})
1648 7 23 if ($lex_name{$name}) { }
1654 5 2 $self->{'style'}{'eclipsename'} =~ /^[^%]*%s/ ? :
1674 0 51 if $ENV{'DDS_STRICT'}
1676 26 1551 if ($isoverloaded)
1680 347 12 if ($pass++ == 1)
1694 3 27 if (exists $items{$addr}) { }
1696 2 1 if (not $self->{'unames'}[$idx]) { }
1721 11 336 if (@add) { }
1 335 elsif ($added) { }
1726 3 24 if ($rt ne 'SCALAR' and $rt ne 'GLOB' and $rt ne 'REF') { }
1762 0 519 @args == 1 ? :
1763 0 519 unless ($fix->[0] =~ /^(var|glob|thaw|ref|sv|#|sub call|lock|bless)$/)
1766 0 519 if ($args[0] eq 'var') { }
1781 56 0 $self->{'style'}{'deparse'} && $self->{'style'}{'deparseglob'} ? :
28 28 $inc_format && $self->{'style'}{'deparse'} && $self->{'style'}{'deparseglob'} ? :
1798 957 0 if (ref $fix)
1801 0 957 if ($type eq '#') { }
71 886 elsif ($type eq 'bless') { }
290 596 elsif ($type eq 'sv') { }
436 160 elsif ($type eq 'ref') { }
8 152 elsif ($type eq 'lock') { }
7 145 elsif ($type eq 'thaw') { }
28 117 elsif ($type eq 'glob') { }
0 117 elsif ($type eq 'var') { }
117 0 elsif ($type eq 'sub call') { }
1805 26 45 if ($isfinal)
1816 110 180 if ($$self{$type . "du"}[$rhs] and ${$$self{$type . "du"}[$rhs];})
1819 110 0 if ($sigil)
1824 110 0 if ref $dref
1829 275 161 if ($$self{$type . "du"}[$rhs] and ${$$self{$type . "du"}[$rhs];})
1833 36 239 if ($rhs =~ /^[\@\%\&]/)
1835 12 24 if $class
1842 8 0 if ($self->{'refdu'}[$lhs] and ${$self->{'refdu'}[$lhs];})
1846 4 4 @$rhs ? :
1852 3 4 if ($isfinal)
1857 3 0 if ($rhs =~ /^(->)?((?:\w*::)*\w+)(\(\))?$/) { }
1858 1 2 if ($3) { }
1874 0 0 if $class
1876 0 0 $self->{'style'}{'declare'} ? :
1879 100 451 if ref $_
1880 69 48 unless (@r)
1881 52 259 ref $_ ? :
1894 0 28 if $Data::Dump::Streamer::DEBUG and $name
1896 9 19 $name ? :
1899 3 25 if (defined &blessed($lhs) and overload::Overloaded($lhs))
1910 68 44 if (not defined $v or $t eq "SCALAR" and not defined $$v)
1922 44 0 $gidx ? :
1929 27 0 unless $self->{'style'}{'terse'}
1931 0 27 if $ret
1937 28 0 if ($self->{'style'}{'deparse'} and $self->{'style'}{'deparseglob'})
1951 28 0 if ref $Bobj eq "B::GV"
1953 1 27 if (ref $Bobj eq "B::FM")
1963 3 25 if ($isoverloaded)
1969 26 1120 if @globs
2035 0 348 if $Data::Dump::Streamer::DEBUG
2037 7 341 if (not $self->{'in_printit'} and @_ || !$self->{'cataloged'})
2042 348 0 unless ($self->{'fh'})
2043 0 348 if $Data::Dump::Streamer::DEBUG
2045 348 0 if (defined wantarray) { }
2046 9 339 wantarray ? :
2047 0 348 if $Data::Dump::Streamer::DEBUG
2049 0 348 unless $fh = $class->new
2053 0 0 if $Data::Dump::Streamer::DEBUG
2065 0 348 if $Data::Dump::Streamer::DEBUG > 9
2074 0 348 if ($self->{'style'}{'special'})
2076 0 0 if $Data::Dump::Streamer::DEBUG
2083 0 0 $Data::Dump::Streamer::b->{'raddr'} ? :
0 0 $Data::Dump::Streamer::a->{'raddr'} ? :
0 0 unless $self->{'svc'}[$Data::Dump::Streamer::b->{'idx'}] <=> $self->{'svc'}[$Data::Dump::Streamer::a->{'idx'}]
2089 0 0 if $Data::Dump::Streamer::DEBUG
2092 2 0 if ($self->{'style'}{'compress'} and $self->{'style'}{'compressor'})
2094 2 0 if $prelude
2098 11 337 if $self->{'lexicals'}{'added'}
2103 0 772 if $ret
2110 0 348 if $namestr
2112 0 348 if $Data::Dump::Streamer::DEBUG
2114 348 0 if ($self->{'return'} and defined wantarray) { }
2130 2 0 $_[1] ? :
2154 0 3564 if $Data::Dump::Streamer::DEBUG
2160 1491 2073 if ($idx) { }
2175 0 1491 if $Data::Dump::Streamer::DEBUG
2178 1168 160 !$self->{'svon'}{$idx} ? :
316 1175 if ($pre_dumped and not $self->{'svon'}{$idx} or !$self->{'svon'}{$idx} ? $self->{'svd'}[$idx] < $depth || $name_diff : undef) { }
2183 0 0 if $Data::Dump::Streamer::DEBUG and $self->{'svon'}{$idx} and $pre_dumped and $$pre_dumped
2187 0 0 $name_diff ? :
0 316 if $Data::Dump::Streamer::DEBUG
2192 220 96 if ($is_ref) { }
2193 104 116 if ($self->{'svd'}[$idx] == 1 and not $self->{'style'}{'declare'} or $pre_dumped and $$pre_dumped) { }
2203 110 6 if ($self->{'style'}{'purity'}) { }
2207 4 106 if ($need_do)
2212 0 110 $Data::Dump::Streamer::DEBUG ? :
0 110 !$self->{'style'}{'verbose'} ? :
2217 4 106 if $need_do
2221 36 60 if ($depth == 1) { }
52 8 elsif ($self->{'style'}{'purity'}) { }
2222 0 36 if ($self->{'style'}{'declare'})
2229 0 52 !$self->{'style'}{'verbose'} ? :
2237 0 316 if $str =~ /\n([^\n]*)\s*\z/
2239 162 154 $ret ? :
2245 0 0 if $Data::Dump::Streamer::DEBUG and $self->{'special'}{$idx}
2247 0 1175 if $self->{'special'}{$idx}
2248 0 1175 if $self->{'special'}{$idx}
2253 2073 0 unless defined $ro
2255 0 3248 if $Data::Dump::Streamer::DEBUG
2256 736 2512 if ($depth == 1)
2258 139 0 if ($name ne $clean_name and not $name =~ /^\*/ and $self->{'svc'}[$idx] > 1)
2260 0 139 if $Data::Dump::Streamer::DEBUG
2262 19 120 if ($oidx)
2266 0 19 if $Data::Dump::Streamer::DEBUG
2273 0 139 if $Data::Dump::Streamer::DEBUG
2277 4 732 if ($self->{'style'}{'terse'} or $name =~ /^\&/) { }
2279 189 543 $self->{'style'}{'declare'} && !($name =~ /^\*/) && !$self->{'lexicals'}{'added'}{$name} ? :
2288 0 736 if $Data::Dump::Streamer::DEBUG
2293 293 2955 if $is_ref
2310 35 3213 if ($add_do)
2316 1998 1250 if ($iaddr) { }
2317 0 1250 if $Data::Dump::Streamer::DEBUG
2318 1134 116 if (defined $item) { }
2323 1 9 if ($is_ro and not $self->{'style'}{'purity'} and not $self->{'style'}{'terse'})
2326 20 1114 if ($glob) { }
2327 1 19 if ($glob =~ /^\*Symbol::GEN/) { }
2333 19 0 if ($self->{'style'}{'dumpglob'} and not $self->{'sv_glob_du'}{$glob}++)
2340 1112 2 if ($self->{'style'}{'dualvars'})
2342 2 150 if (&_could_be_dualvar($item) and 0 + $item ne $item and "$item" != $item)
2347 1112 2 unless ($quoted)
2350 2 1110 if ($style->{'compress'} and $style->{'compressor'} and length $_[1] > $style->{'compress'}) { }
2361 0 1114 if $quoted =~ /\n([^\n]*)\s*\z/
2364 1134 0 unless ($self->{'style'}{'terse'})
2365 9 1125 if ($is_ro and $self->{'style'}{'purity'}) { }
1 1124 elsif ($is_ro) { }
2378 35 3213 if $add_do
2381 8 3240 if $self->{'svw'}{$addr}
2389 132 132 $type =~ /[\{\[\(]/ ? :
1532 264 !($name =~ /^[%\@]/) ? :
2394 1744 52 $child ? :
2395 982 814 if ($cond) { }
2397 491 491 $open ? :
2398 491 491 $open ? :
491 491 $open ? :
2402 407 407 $open ? :
407 407 $open ? :
2417 51 0 if $bad < $best
2418 49 2 unless $best
2420 0 49 if $best
2479 922 95 unless defined $class
2483 238 779 unless ($sorter)
2492 0 1017 if $ary and &reftype($ary) ne "ARRAY"
2504 0 508 if ($keyary and $Data::Dump::Streamer::DEBUG)
2514 149 359 $ind && $self->{'style'}{'indentkeys'} ? :
2521 149 359 if ($indkey)
2524 0 508 if $Data::Dump::Streamer::DEBUG == 10
2529 1699 0 defined $keyary ? :
2530 497 694 if ref $item->{$k}
2531 696 495 if ($kc) { }
2533 686 10 $do_ind ? :
2535 686 10 if ($do_ind) { }
0 10 elsif (not $do_ind || $optspace and $self->{'buf'} > 1024) { }
2545 835 356 if ($indkey) { }
2547 835 0 $indkey >= length $qk ? :
2563 6 1185 if (not $full_indent || $self->{'do_nl'} and $self->{'buf'} < 60) { }
2570 6 1185 if ($alias)
2591 388 2 if ($self->{'style'}{'rle'}) { }
2594 16 2 if ($k)
2595 16 0 $do_ind ? :
2596 16 0 if ($do_ind) { }
0 0 elsif (not $do_ind || $optspace and $self->{'buf'} > 1024) { }
2610 0 18 if (not $full_indent || $self->{'do_nl'} and $self->{'buf'} < 60) { }
2616 0 18 if ($alias)
2630 293 70 if (not &refaddr($item->[$k]) || &readonly($item->[$k]) and !$self->{'sv'}{&refaddr(\$item->[$k])} || $self->{'svt'}[$self->{'sv'}{&refaddr(\$item->[$k])}] == 1)
2651 0 224 if (not defined $$item[$k + $count]) { }
2652 0 0 if defined $v
2655 169 55 if $v ne overload::StrVal($$item[$k + $count])
2662 654 14 $do_ind ? :
668 375 if $k
2664 654 389 if $do_ind and $k
2665 19 1024 if ($count > 1)
2673 18 1025 if (not $full_indent || $self->{'do_nl'} and $self->{'buf'} < 60) { }
2678 46 997 if ($alias)
2685 19 1024 if ($count > 1)
2700 0 0 do { @_ == 1 } ? :
0 0 @_ ? :
2708 0 0 @v ? :
2713 40 0 if ($self->{'style'}{'deparse'}) { }
2718 1 39 if (ref($cv->ROOT) =~ /NULL/)
2729 39 39 if $targ =~ /\D/
2732 39 0 if $self->{'lexicals'}{'a2n'}{$addr}
2741 0 39 if defined $bless
2743 0 39 if defined $bless
2744 0 39 if (not defined $bless and $@ and $@ =~ /^Usage\:\ \-\>coderef2text\(CODEREF\)/) { }
0 39 elsif ($@) { }
2764 0 39 $code =~ /^\s*\(/ ? :
2765 39 0 if ($self->{'style'}{'indent'})
2769 4 35 if ($name =~ s/^\&//)
2783 4 0 if ($self->{'style'}{'deparse'})
2786 0 4 if ref $Bobj eq "B::GV"
2787 4 0 if (ref $Bobj eq "B::FM")
2793 0 4 if ($@)
2797 4 0 $self->{'style'}{'indent'} ? :
2820 8 1 unless $self->{'reqs'}{'Symbol'}++
2821 1 8 if $deref
2824 9 0 if ($self->{'style'}{'dumpglob'} and not $self->{'sv_glob_du'}{$glob}++)
2835 0 2003 unless $addr = &refaddr($item)
2839 19 232 if $class and $class eq "Regexp" and &is_regexp($item)
2841 0 2003 if $Data::Dump::Streamer::DEBUG
2845 5 1998 if ($self->{'ref_fz'}{$addr})
2847 0 5 if (not $item) { }
5 0 elsif (ref $item) { }
2860 1 1997 if ($ignore or $self->{'style'}{'ignore'}{"#" . ($raddr || $addr)} or defined $class and $self->{'style'}{'ignore'}{".$class"})
2871 0 1997 unless ($idx)
2877 1997 0 if ($idx) { }
2880 182 1815 if ($pre_dumped and $$pre_dumped) { }
301 1514 elsif ($pre_dumped or $self->{'refd'}[$idx] < $depth) { }
2882 0 182 if $Data::Dump::Streamer::DEBUG
2883 58 124 if ($self->{'refn'}[$idx] =~ /^[\@\%\&]/) { }
2884 4 54 if (&SvREADONLY_ref($item))
2889 20 38 $class ? :
20 38 $class ? :
2898 0 301 if $Data::Dump::Streamer::DEBUG
2902 38 263 if ($self->{'refn'}[$idx] =~ /^[\@\%\&]/ and not $self->{'style'}{'declare'}) { }
2904 12 26 $class ? :
12 26 $class ? :
2907 258 5 if ($self->{'style'}{'purity'}) { }
2909 42 216 $add_do ? :
0 258 !$self->{'style'}{'verbose'} ? :
42 216 $add_do ? :
2928 26 1488 if (defined $class and overload::Overloaded($item))
2935 4 1510 if ($thaw)
2936 0 4 if ($thaw =~ /[^\w:>()-]/) { }
2940 1 3 $thaw =~ s/\(\)$// ? :
2942 0 4 if ($inline and $thawtype eq "sub")
2950 38 1476 $add_lock ? :
2951 38 1476 if ($add_lock)
2953 8 30 if (not $name =~ /^\$/) { }
2957 26 4 @hidden_keys ? :
2966 84 1430 if ($add_bless and not $overloaded)
2970 0 1514 if $Data::Dump::Streamer::DEBUG
2971 521 993 if ($type eq 'SCALAR' or $type eq 'REF' or $type eq 'GLOB') { }
390 603 elsif ($type eq 'ARRAY') { }
508 95 elsif ($type eq 'HASH') { }
40 55 elsif ($type eq 'CODE') { }
4 51 elsif ($type eq 'FORMAT') { }
2 49 elsif ($type eq 'IO') { }
49 0 elsif ($type eq 'ORANGE' or $type eq 'Regexp' or $type eq 'REGEXP') { }
2972 159 362 $type eq 'SCALAR' ? :
2973 19 502 $type eq 'GLOB' ? :
2974 8 513 if ($glob =~ /^\*Symbol::GEN/) { }
0 513 elsif (defined $pat) { }
2984 110 403 if $ret
3003 110 1404 if ($add_bless)
3004 26 84 if (defined $overloaded) { }
3009 26 84 if ($isoverloaded)
3013 4 1510 if ($fix_lock and not defined $class)
3016 30 1484 if ($add_lock)
3017 26 4 if (@hidden_keys)
3022 4 1510 if ($thaw)
3023 1 3 if ($inline) { }
3024 0 1 if ($thawtype eq 'sub') { }
1 0 elsif ($thawtype eq 'method') { }
3031 1 2 $thawtype eq 'sub' ? :
3034 0 1514 if (my $postop = $self->{'ref_postop'}{$raddr or $addr})
3035 0 0 if (ref $postop) { }
3075 60 5 if (@_) { }
3 2 elsif (not defined wantarray) { }
3076 0 60 @_ == 1 && &reftype($_[0]) eq 'ARRAY' ? :
3081 0 133 if $s and not $s =~ /^\*?\w+$/
3094 0 1 unless $self->{'unames'}
3095 1 4 wantarray ? :
3111 0 0 if (@_) { }
3161 0 0 if (@_)
3187 8 0 if (@_) { }
3190 3 5 if ($val == 0 and length $self->{'style'}{'optspace'}) { }
2 3 elsif (not $self->{'style'}{'indent'} || length $self->{'style'}{'optspace'}) { }
3502 2 0 if (@_ == 1) { }
0 0 elsif (@_ == 2) { }
3513 0 0 wantarray ? :
3546 0 2 if (@_ == 0)
3549 0 2 if @_ > 1 and @_ % 2
3553 0 2 if (ref $item) { }
3558 0 2 unless (@_)
3561 1 1 if (shift()) { }
3624 0 0 if (@_) { }
3625 0 0 if (ref $_[0]) { }
3633 0 0 wantarray ? :
3639 0 9 if @_ > 2 and @_ % 2
3645 2 7 if (ref $obj) { }
3648 0 7 unless defined $obj
3651 0 9 unless (@_)
3656 0 9 if (not defined $val) { }
3660 5 4 if (not ref $val) { }
2 2 elsif (&reftype($val) eq 'ARRAY') { }
0 2 elsif (&reftype($val) ne 'CODE') { }
3662 0 5 if !$subref || $name eq '.' and &reftype($subref) ne "CODE"
3666 0 5 unless $subref
3699 23 0 if (defined($name = $scalar_meth{$meth})) { }
0 0 elsif ($meth =~ /[^A-Z]/) { }
3700 0 23 if $Data::Dump::Streamer::DEBUG
3701 57 164 if (@_) { }
2 0 if (@_) { }
3 0 if (@_) { }
2 0 if (@_) { }
4 0 if (@_) { }
2 0 if (@_) { }
3712 0 23 if $@
3722 79 0 if ($Data::Dump::Streamer::HasPadWalker)
3724 0 79 if ($PadWalker::VERSION < 1) { }
3738 0 0 unless (ref($name_obj[$i]) =~ /SPECIAL/)
3751 0 0 unless my $name = $named{$targ}
3754 0 0 if $op->private & 128
3757 0 0 if (not $inited{$name})
3787 39 6 if ($cache{&Data::Dump::Streamer::refaddr($self)} and $cache{&Data::Dump::Streamer::refaddr($self)}{$targ})