Condition Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
condition 40 78 51.2

and 3 conditions

line !l l&&!r l&&r condition
89 0 0 2 !$paren && $_ == @dump - 1
143 84 0 0 $] < 5.008 and $type eq 'SCALAR'
152 0 2 0 $ref && $type eq 'SCALAR'
158 0 2 0 @$idx and $$idx[-1] eq '$'
168 0 0 8 $class and $class eq 'Regexp'
213 64 0 0 $class and not @$idx
240 0 0 0 $k eq 'SCALAR' and not defined $$gval
350 82 0 0 $class and $ref
377 4 0 0 $ref and @i
4 0 0 $ref and @i and $i[0] eq '$'
381 2 2 0 @i and $i[0] eq '$'
410 36 3 0 @_ > $indent_lim and length $tmp > 60 || $tmp =~ /\n/
434 0 4 2 length $_ < 16384 and /^(.{2,5}?)\1*\z/s
444 10 1 3 length $_ > 40 and not /\\x\{/
11 2 1 length $_ > 40 and not /\\x\{/ and length $_ > length($_[0]) * 2
450 0 0 1 $Data::Dump::PHP::TRY_BASE64 and length $_[0] > $Data::Dump::PHP::TRY_BASE64
0 0 1 $Data::Dump::PHP::TRY_BASE64 and length $_[0] > $Data::Dump::PHP::TRY_BASE64 and eval { do { require MIME::Base64 } }

or 3 conditions

line l !l&&r !l&&!r condition
95 2 0 36 %Data::Dump::PHP::refcnt or %Data::Dump::PHP::require
166 64 0 18 $type eq 'SCALAR' or $type eq 'REF'
64 8 10 $type eq 'SCALAR' or $type eq 'REF' or $type eq 'REGEXP'
204 40 2 20 $$rval =~ /^-?[1-9]\d{0,9}\z/ or $$rval eq '0'
301 3 0 6 length $tmp > 60 or $tmp =~ /\n/
3 0 6 length $tmp > 60 or $tmp =~ /\n/ or $tied
388 0 0 2 $i eq '*' or $i eq '$'
410 0 0 3 length $tmp > 60 || $tmp =~ /\n/
0 0 39 $comment or @_ > $indent_lim and length $tmp > 60 || $tmp =~ /\n/