Branch Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
branch 90 146 61.6

line true false branch
67 0 38 if (%Data::Dump::PHP::require)
73 2 36 if (%Data::Dump::PHP::refcnt)
77 2 0 if ($Data::Dump::PHP::refcnt{$name})
88 0 3 @Data::Dump::PHP::fixup ? :
3 35 if $paren
89 2 0 !$paren && $_ == @dump - 1 ? :
47 2 defined $dump[$_][1] ? :
93 3 35 if $paren
95 2 36 if (%Data::Dump::PHP::refcnt or %Data::Dump::PHP::require)
98 1 1 if ($Data::Dump::PHP::USE_LAMBDA) { }
108 0 38 unless defined wantarray
130 20 64 $ref ? :
136 84 0 if (overload::StrVal($rval) =~ /^(?:([^=]+)=)?([A-Z]+)\(0x([^\)]+)\)$/) { }
143 0 84 if ($] < 5.008 and $type eq 'SCALAR')
144 0 0 if $ref eq 'REF'
146 0 84 if $Data::Dump::PHP::DEBUG
148 84 0 unless ($dont_remember)
149 2 82 if (my $s = $Data::Dump::PHP::seen{$id})
154 0 2 if $Data::Dump::PHP::DEBUG
155 0 2 unless $sname eq $name
158 0 2 if @$idx and $$idx[-1] eq '$'
166 72 10 if ($type eq 'SCALAR' or $type eq 'REF' or $type eq 'REGEXP') { }
0 10 elsif ($type eq 'GLOB') { }
1 9 elsif ($type eq 'ARRAY') { }
9 0 elsif ($type eq 'HASH') { }
0 0 elsif ($type eq 'CODE') { }
167 8 64 if ($ref) { }
168 8 0 if ($class and $class eq 'Regexp') { }
172 8 0 if ($v =~ /^\(\?\^?([msix-]*):([\x00-\xFF]*)\)\z/)
180 4 4 if ($sep_count)
185 3 7 if ($c < $sep_count)
188 3 0 if $sep_count == 0
199 0 0 if $type eq 'SCALAR'
201 0 0 $class ? :
204 2 62 if (not defined $$rval) { }
42 20 elsif ($$rval =~ /^-?[1-9]\d{0,9}\z/ or $$rval eq '0') { }
213 0 64 if ($class and not @$idx)
225 0 0 if ($ref) { }
229 0 0 if ($out =~ /^\\\*Symbol::/)
239 0 0 unless defined $gval
240 0 0 if $k eq 'SCALAR' and not defined $$gval
253 0 1 if $tied
264 0 9 if $tied
274 7 6 unless /^[-+]?(?:0|[1-9]\d*)(?:\.\d+)?\z/
277 7 2 if ($text_keys) { }
286 27 3 unless $key =~ /^-?[1-9]\d{0,8}\z/
291 14 16 if length $key > $kstat_max
301 0 6 if (length $tmp > 60 or $tmp =~ /\n/ or $tied)
305 1 2 if ($kstat_max < 4) { }
2 0 elsif (@keys >= 2) { }
314 1 1 if ($stddev / $kstat_max < 0.25)
317 0 2 if ($Data::Dump::PHP::DEBUG)
326 0 9 if $tied
332 14 16 if $nl
335 6 3 unless $nl
339 0 0 if ($Data::Dump::PHP::USE_LAMBDA) { }
350 0 82 if ($class and $ref)
359 0 10 if ($tied)
360 0 0 if (my $tied_ref = ref $tied) { }
377 0 0 if ($ref and @i and $i[0] eq '$')
388 0 2 if ($i eq '*' or $i eq '$') { }
0 2 elsif ($i =~ s/^\*//) { }
399 0 4 if $ref
408 4 35 $paren ? :
410 0 39 if ($comment or @_ > $indent_lim and length $tmp > 60 || $tmp =~ /\n/) { }
413 0 0 $comment ? :
421 10 10 if (length $_[0] > 30)
424 4 6 if (/^(.)\1\1\1/s)
427 4 0 unless (/[^\Q$1\E]/)
434 2 4 if (length $_ < 16384 and /^(.{2,5}?)\1*\z/s)
444 1 3 if (length $_ > 40 and not /\\x\{/ and length $_ > length($_[0]) * 2)
450 1 0 if ($Data::Dump::PHP::TRY_BASE64 and length $_[0] > $Data::Dump::PHP::TRY_BASE64 and eval { do { require MIME::Base64 } })
477 48 15 unless /[^\040-\176]/