Branch Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
branch 36 40 90.0

line true false branch
33 0 174 if (not defined $path[0] or $path[0] eq '')
42 0 174 if (not ref $point) { }
147 27 elsif (ref $point eq 'HASH') { }
26 1 elsif (ref $point eq 'ARRAY') { }
1 0 elsif (blessed $point and $point->can($item)) { }
61 45 30 wantarray ? :
75 99 unless @path
72 26 67 if (not $path and defined $point)
76 66 27 $path ? :
78 91 2 if ($point)
79 1 90 if (not ref $point) { }
75 15 elsif (ref $point eq 'HASH') { }
13 2 elsif (ref $point eq 'ARRAY') { }
1 1 elsif (blessed $point and eval { do { %{$point;} } }) { }
85 60 130 if ref $$point{$key}
91 4 22 if ref $$point[$i]
97 1 0 if ref $$point{$key}
109 61 27 if $required{$module}++
112 14 13 if 'Class::Inspector'->loaded($module)
120 1 12 if (my $e = $@)