Branch Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
branch 24 32 75.0

line true false branch
62 4 24 unless $self->changed
67 1 23 if ($$raw{'PARENT'})
87 24 4 unless $self->raw
90 0 4 if $self->loader->changed
92 0 4 if ($self->raw->{'PARENT'})
117 24 21 if (&blessed($new) and $new->isa('AnyEvent::CondVar')) { }
135 147 80 if (not ref $data) { }
33 47 elsif (ref $data eq 'HASH' and $$data{'MODULE'} || $$data{'METHOD'}) { }
136 9 138 if (defined $data and $data =~ /^\# (.*) \#$/msx)
163 49 3 unless defined $$hash{$a}{'order'} or defined $$hash{$b}{'order'}
165 2 1 $$hash{$b}{'order'} >= 0 ? :
3 1 unless defined $$hash{$a}{'order'}
166 0 1 $$hash{$a}{'order'} >= 0 ? :
1 0 unless defined $$hash{$b}{'order'}
167 0 0 if $$hash{$a}{'order'} >= 0 and $$hash{$b}{'order'} < 0
168 0 0 if $$hash{$a}{'order'} < 0 and $$hash{$b}{'order'} >= 0