Branch Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
branch 40 40 100.0

line true false branch
33 22 3 $ip_obj ? :
37 3 22 if @$err
44 4 18 if ($obj->check_performed($check_opts, 'ipv4'))
50 2 2 if @$err
53 4 16 if ($obj->check_performed($check_opts, 'ipv6'))
59 2 2 if @$err
67 7 11 if ($obj->check_performed($check_opts, 'in_network'))
72 6 1 $net_obj ? :
76 1 6 if @$err
80 1 5 if ($v != $vers)
89 1 4 if ($vers == 4 and $mask == 32 or $vers == 6 and $mask == 128)
103 2 2 if @$err
110 4 9 $obj->check_performed($check_opts, 'network_ip') ? :
111 3 10 $obj->check_performed($check_opts, 'broadcast_ip') ? :
112 7 6 if ($chk_net_ip || $chk_broad_ip and not $net_obj)
115 1 6 if ($vers == 4 and $mask == 32 or $vers == 6 and $mask == 128)
127 3 9 if ($chk_net_ip)
135 2 1 if @$err
138 3 7 if ($chk_broad_ip)
146 2 1 if @$err