Branch Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
branch 16 30 53.3

line true false branch
22 0 9 unless my $dir = $dsl->app->config->{'plugins'}{'ProgressStatus'}{'dir'}
23 0 9 unless (-d $dir)
24 0 0 unless File::Path::make_path($dir)
60 0 4 unless ($file->is_file)
76 3 2 unless (ref $args)
82 0 1 unless ($name or $progress_id)
85 1 4 if $progress_id
88 1 4 if ($file->is_file)
92 0 1 if ($in_progress and $d->{'pid'} != $$) { }
1 0 elsif ($in_progress) { }
93 0 0 if (kill 0, $d->{'pid'})
105 4 16 $is_finished ? :
121 2 14 if ($args->{$key})
135 0 0 if ($file->exists)
139 0 0 if ($in_progress and $d->{'pid'} != $$ and kill 0, $d->{'pid'})