Branch Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
branch 38 50 76.0

line true false branch
40 0 2 if (ref $route ne 'HASH')
67 2 5 ref $options->{$path} ? :
76 0 7 if $options{'prefix'}
77 2 5 if $options{'generate_toc'}
79 7 0 unless ('File::Spec'->file_name_is_absolute($options{'resource'}))
90 5 2 if (not $options->{'set'}) { }
98 1 6 unless (-e $s->options->{'resource'})
111 3 3 wantarray ? :
118 2 4 if (-f $s->options->{'resource'}) { }
123 0 4 if (@{$s->options->{'include_files'};}) { }
126 0 4 unless opendir my $d, $dir
133 0 4 if @matching_files
156 1 65 unless (-d $cache_dir)
157 0 1 unless make_path($cache_dir)
175 16 0 if (-f $cache_file and $s->options->{'cache'})
176 16 0 if (-M $cache_file eq -M $file)
177 16 0 if $ENV{'DANCER_ENVIRONMENT'} and $ENV{'DANCER_ENVIRONMENT'} eq 'testing'
188 0 50 unless open my $md, '<:encoding(UTF-8)', $file
197 345 75 unless ($code_el->left or $code_el->right)
203 17 16 unless ($s->options->{'linkable_headers'} or $s->options->{'header_class'})
205 17 0 if $s->options->{'cache'}
211 16 17 if $s->options->{'generate_toc'}
217 117 129 if $s->options->{'header_class'}
218 117 129 if ($s->options->{'generate_toc'})
229 16 17 $toc ? :