Branch Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
branch 109 130 83.8

line true false branch
61 0 748 unless @args % 2 == 0
69 85 663 if (my $s = $opts{'serializer'})
70 1 84 unless $s->$Dancer2::Core::Request::_does("Dancer2::Core::Role::Serializer")
82 53 694 if $opts{'body_params'}
98 8 4 @_ == 2 ? :
142 284 23 unless $_[0]{'is_behind_proxy'}
147 3 144 if ($self->is_behind_proxy and exists $self->env->{'HTTP_X_FORWARDED_HOST'}) { }
165 7 6 unless $_[0]->env->{'HTTP_X_FORWARDED_PROTO'} or $_[0]->env->{'HTTP_X_FORWARDED_PROTOCOL'}
170 14 145 $self->is_behind_proxy ? :
185 7 740 if ($self->content_type and $self->content_type =~ m[^multipart/form-data]i)
193 657 83 unless my $serializer = $self->serializer
200 52 31 unless grep {$self->method eq $_;} "PUT", "POST", "PATCH", "DELETE"
205 1 30 unless $body and length $body > 0
224 29 1 unless $self->serializer->has_request
226 3 27 if $serializer_fail
235 25 2 XXX ? :
289 110 7 if ($uri->path eq "/")
312 3 12 if $params
316 3 12 $dont_escape ? :
322 31 227 if wantarray and @_ == 1
323 211 16 if @_ == 1
325 5 11 if ($source eq 'query') { }
10 1 elsif ($source eq 'body') { }
326 0 0 unless $self->_query_params
0 5 if wantarray
330 0 0 unless $self->_body_params
0 10 if wantarray
333 1 0 if ($source eq 'route') { }
334 0 1 if wantarray
345 43 4 if ($XS_PARSE_QUERY_STRING) { }
355 2 8 XXX ? :
386 0 3 if ($type)
400 1 1 unless +(shift())->params->{'captures'}
402 1 30 unless +(shift())->params->{'splat'}
409 43 24112 unless defined $h
411 21552 2560 if (not XXX || utf8::is_utf8($h)) { }
667 1893 elsif (ref $h eq 'Hash::MultiValue') { }
1815 78 elsif (XXX) { }
78 0 elsif (XXX) { }
430 0 0 unless defined $self->headers
431 0 0 unless defined $self->header("X-Requested-With")
432 0 0 if $self->header("X-Requested-With") ne "XMLHttpRequest"
442 12 9 unless wantarray
443 3 6 unless defined $res
444 3 3 XXX ? :
452 48 533 $self->_has_params ? :
459 1815 509 XXX ? :
470 32 32 if $XS_URL_DECODE
479 43 538 if defined $self->{'_query_params'}
484 507 31 if not defined $source or $source eq ""
486 21 10 if ($XS_PARSE_QUERY_STRING)
495 0 32 unless defined $key
496 32 0 defined $val ? :
501 6 26 if (exists $query_params->{$key}) { }
503 2 4 if (XXX) { }
538 6 9 @uploads > 1 ? :
542 6 9 @filenames > 1 ? :
557 422 64 unless defined $http_cookie
559 63 1 if ($XS_HTTP_COOKIES) { }
569 2 65 XXX ? :
584 0 53 unless $options
593 38 15 unless $self->{'_query_params'}
595 44 9 unless $params
631 1 1 if $self->serializer
633 0 1 if keys %{$$self{"_body_params"};}