Condition Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
condition 19 51 37.2

and 3 conditions

line !l l&&!r l&&r condition
181 0 0 0 $opts and ref $opts eq 'ARRAY'
217 0 0 0 $row && exists $row->{$data}
259 0 0 0 $type eq 'INSERT' || $type eq 'UPDATE' and !$data || ref $data ne 'HASH'
265 0 0 0 $type =~ /^ (SELECT|UPDATE|DELETE|COUNT) $/x and not $where
318 2 4 2 $type eq 'SELECT' && $data
380 8 0 0 exists $opts->{'order_by'} and defined $opts->{'order_by'}
386 8 0 0 exists $opts->{'limit'} and defined $opts->{'limit'}
2 6 0 $type eq 'SELECT' and not wantarray
403 8 0 0 exists $opts->{'offset'} and defined $opts->{'offset'}
419 0 4 1 $where and not ref $where
516 2 1 0 $order ne 'ASC' and $order ne 'DESC'

or 3 conditions

line l !l&&r !l&&!r condition
255 0 0 0 not $table_name or ref $table_name
259 0 0 0 $type eq 'INSERT' || $type eq 'UPDATE'
0 0 0 !$data || ref $data ne 'HASH'
366 1 0 7 $type eq 'UPDATE' or $type eq 'DELETE'
1 6 1 $type eq 'UPDATE' or $type eq 'DELETE' or $type eq 'SELECT'
6 0 1 $type eq 'UPDATE' or $type eq 'DELETE' or $type eq 'SELECT' or $type eq 'COUNT'