Branch Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
branch 20 24 83.3

line true false branch
21 115 0 unless (defined $self->{'id'})
42 1 0 if $self->routes($method)
52 3474 2 if ($method) { }
54 3465 9 $route ? :
66 1177 265 if defined $last
80 11 1431 if (keys %{$$route{'options'};}) { }
101 651 792 if ($package and 'Dancer::App'->app_exists($package)) { }
123 19 5 if (ref $pattern eq "ARRAY")
127 2 17 if grep {$_ eq "get";} @methods and not grep({$_ eq "head";} @methods)
132 1 23 if grep {$_ eq $pattern;} @methods
144 1431 12 if (@rest == 1) { }
166 0 0 if $r->equals($route)