Branch Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
branch 0 26 0.0

line true false branch
35 0 0 if (@uris) { }
52 0 0 if (is_ArrayRef($ns))
54 0 0 if defined $n and $self->namespaces->{$n} and $self->namespaces->{$n}->has_assignment($symbol)
69 0 0 if (is_ArrayRef($namespace))
71 0 0 if ($self->has_assignment($n, $symbol))
78 0 0 if ($self->namespaces->{$namespace})
80 0 0 if ($ns->has_assignment($symbol))
91 0 0 if ($self->namespaces->{$namespace})
101 0 0 if (is_ArrayRef($namespace))
103 0 0 if ($self->has_assignment($n, $symbol))
110 0 0 if ($self->namespaces->{$namespace})
112 0 0 if ($ns->has_assignment($symbol))
129 0 0 unless ($self->has_namespace($ns))