Condition Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
condition 7 28 25.0

and 3 conditions

line !l l&&!r l&&r condition
102 2 0 0 UNIVERSAL::can($source_data, 'as_array') and $source_data = $source_data->as_array($context)
0 0 0 UNIVERSAL::can($source_data, 'as_hash') and $source_data = $source_data->as_hash($context)
166 0 0 0 UNIVERSAL::can($value, 'as_array') and $value = $value->as_array($context)

or 2 conditions

line l !l condition
131 0 0 $self->{'source'}{'original'} // 'undef'
0 0 $source_data // 'undef'
0 0 $source_ref // 'SCALAR'
195 191 0 $self->{'renderers'}[0]->render($context) // ''
231 4 0 $self->{'renderers'}[0]->render($context) // ''

or 3 conditions

line l !l&&r !l&&!r condition
102 43 0 2 $source_ref eq 'ARRAY' or UNIVERSAL::can($source_data, 'as_array') and $source_data = $source_data->as_array($context)
2 0 0 $source_ref eq 'HASH' or UNIVERSAL::can($source_data, 'as_hash') and $source_data = $source_data->as_hash($context)
166 19 0 0 $value_type eq 'ARRAY' or UNIVERSAL::can($value, 'as_array') and $value = $value->as_array($context)