Condition Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
condition 18 32 56.2

and 3 conditions

line !l l&&!r l&&r condition
17 1 4 4 not $arg1_type and $arg2_type eq 'ARRAY'
1 0 4 not $arg1_type and $arg2_type eq 'HASH'
1 0 0 $arg2_type eq 'ARRAY' and $arg1_type eq 'ARRAY'
1 0 0 $arg2_type eq 'HASH' and $arg1_type eq 'HASH'
66 0 0 0 exists $arg2->{$key1} and DTL::Fast::Expression::Operator::Binary::Eq::dispatch($self, $arg1->{$key1}, $arg2->{$key1})
79 12 1 0 not defined $result and UNIVERSAL::can($arg1, 'in')
88 12 1 0 not defined $result and UNIVERSAL::can($arg2, 'contains')

or 2 conditions

line l !l condition
99 1 0 $arg1 // 'undef'
1 0 $arg1_type || 'SCALAR'
1 0 $arg2 // 'undef'
0 1 $arg2_type || 'SCALAR'

or 3 conditions

line l !l&&r !l&&!r condition
17 8 1 4 $arg2_type || $arg1_type