Branch Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
branch 26 26 100.0

line true false branch
21 7 1766 if ($kwargs{'replacement'} and my $replacement = $kwargs{'replacement'}->get_replacement($variable_name))
34 2 1771 if ($variable_name =~ s/^\-//)
39 299 1474 if ($variable_name =~ /^(?
67 1407 elsif ($variable_name eq 'undef' or $variable_name eq 'None') { }
368 1039 elsif (&looks_like_number($variable_name)) { }
64 1 1038 if ($variable_name =~ /[^\w\-\.]/)
87 463 1309 if (scalar @filters)
103 6195 118 unless ($self->{'undef'})
109 4251 248 $self->{'direct_read'} ? :
1696 4499 $self->{'static'} ? :
117 2 6307 if ($self->{'sign'} == -1 and &looks_like_number($value))
126 467 5842 if $self->{'filter_manager'}{'filters_number'}
130 2289 4014 !($global_safe || $self->{'filter_manager'}{'safe'}) ? :