Branch Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
branch 90 92 97.8

line true false branch
99 68 0 @_ > 1 ? :
68 1884 @_ ? :
104 4109 5 exists $self->{'tree'} ? :
4114 1965 unless @_
111 1461 1775 unless @_
126 7 3690 if defined $runaway
127 920 2777 if defined $text
130 1243 2454 if (defined $tag) { }
11 2443 elsif (defined $doctype) { }
10 2433 elsif (defined $comment) { }
7 2426 elsif (defined $cdata) { }
17 2409 elsif (defined $pi) { }
133 72 441 $xml ? :
513 730 if ($tag =~ m[^/\s*(\S+)]) { }
730 0 elsif ($tag =~ m[^([^\s/]+)([\s\S]*)]) { }
137 87 643 $xml ? :
142 31 33020 $xml ? :
143 16 32866 defined $3 ? :
169 32882 defined $2 ? :
146 39 33012 if $key eq '/'
148 32991 21 defined $value ? :
152 1 729 if not $xml and $start eq 'image'
157 65 665 if not $xml and $EMPTY{$start} or $xml || !$BLOCK{$start} and $closing
160 702 28 if $xml or not $RAW{$start} || $RCDATA{$start}
161 1 27 unless $html =~ m[\G(.*?)<\s*/\s*\Q$start\E\s*>]cgis
162 17 10 $RCDATA{$start} ? :
178 10 7 if not exists $self->{'xml'} and $pi =~ /xml/i
196 113 933 if $next->[0] eq 'root'
199 650 283 if $next->[1] eq $end
202 5 260 if not $xml and $PHRASING{$end} and not $PHRASING{$next->[1]}
218 375 477 if $type eq 'text'
221 4 473 if $type eq 'raw'
224 4 469 if $type eq 'doctype'
227 4 465 if $type eq 'comment'
230 3 462 if $type eq 'cdata'
233 3 459 if $type eq 'pi'
236 97 362 if $type eq 'root'
246 1 6 $xml ? :
7 47 unless defined $value
251 14 12 $EMPTY{$tag} ? :
4 26 $xml ? :
30 332 unless $tree->[4]
266 478 252 if (not $xml and $$current->[0] ne 'root')
267 118 360 if (my $end = $END{$start}) { }
123 237 elsif (my $close = $CLOSE{$start}) { }
275 45 74 if $$allowed{$parent->[1]}