Branch Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
branch 3 34 8.8

line true false branch
19 0 0 unless my $filename = $self->file
21 0 0 unless open TEXT, $filename
28 0 26 unless my $text = $self->text
32 0 26 unless $self->start_rules
41 0 0 if ((caller)[1] =~ /^-e?$/ and @_ == 2 and $_[1] eq 'compile')
45 0 6 if (my $env = $ENV{'PERL_PEGEX_AUTO_COMPILE'})
47 0 0 if ($modules{$package})
48 0 0 if (my $grammar_file = $package->file)
49 0 0 if (-f $grammar_file)
54 0 0 if (-M $grammar_file < -M $module_file)
69 0 0 unless open GRAMMAR, $grammar_file
76 0 0 unless my $file = $INC{$module}
79 0 0 if ($package->can('start_rules'))
80 0 0 unless $package->start_rules
82 0 0 if ($module eq 'Pegex/Pegex/') { }
90 0 0 unless open IN, $file
103 0 0 unless open OUT, '>', $file