Branch Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
branch 89 98 90.8

line true false branch
27 9264 300 if ($self->offset) { }
32 18 282 if (defined $classname)
67 0 4299 unless exists $args->{'allow_head'}
70 4299 0 unless exists $args->{'create'}
77 1100 3199 unless $blist and $blist->{'found'}
84 53 3146 unless my $location = $blist->get_data_location_for({'allow_head', $args->{'allow_head'}})
93 144 3142 unless my $location = $self->get_data_location_for($args)
106 0 1812 unless my $blist = $self->get_bucket_list({'key_md5', $args->{'key_md5'}, 'key', $args->{'key'}, 'create', 1})
110 67 1745 if ($self->engine->trans_id) { }
111 40 27 unless ($blist->has_md5)
119 163 1582 if ($blist->has_md5) { }
120 4 159 if (@trans_ids)
123 1 3 if $blist->get_data_location_for({'trans_id', $other_trans_id, 'allow_head', 0})
137 2 1580 if (@trans_ids)
140 0 2 if $blist->get_data_location_for({'trans_id', $other_trans_id, 'allow_head', 0})
151 170 1642 if ($blist->get_data_location_for({'allow_head', 0}))
172 1 62 unless my $blist = $self->get_bucket_list({'key_md5', $args->{'key_md5'}})
184 51 11 if ($self->engine->trans_id == 0)
185 1 50 if (@trans_ids)
187 0 1 if $blist->get_data_location_for({'trans_id', $other_trans_id, 'allow_head', 0})
199 12 50 if (@trans_ids) { }
202 1 11 if ($old_value)
245 275 5899 unless ($blist_loc)
246 26 249 unless $args->{'create'}
261 0 5899 unless my $sector = $engine->load_sector($blist_loc)
268 3582 492 if ($blist_loc) { }
269 0 3582 unless $sector = $engine->load_sector($blist_loc)
279 492 5407 unless ($sector)
280 239 253 unless $args->{'create'}
282 0 253 unless $last_sector
302 7 1958 if (not $sector->has_md5 and $args->{'create'} and $sector->{'idx'} == -1)
334 3 7 if (keys %blist_cache == 1 and each %blist_cache == $idx) { }
357 3 7 if ($last_sector) { }
371 3 7 if ($redo)
401 2295 43 unless $class_offset
416 2334 19 if (not defined $cache_entry->{$trans_id}) { }
433 2339 14 unless ($args->{'export'})
434 2326 13 if ($engine->storage->{'autobless'})
436 39 2287 if (defined $classname)
445 8 6 if ($self->get_refcount > 1)
456 27 33 if $self->decrement_refcount > 0
463 28 5 unless ($e->{'external_refs'})
468 21 7 if (exists $cache->{$off} and exists $cache->{$off}{my $trans_id = $e->trans_id})
471 1 20 if defined $cache->{$off}{$trans_id}
477 18 15 if $blist_loc
480 6 27 if $class_loc
535 207 10 unless my $blist_loc = $self->get_blist_loc
540 2 8 if ($engine->get_running_txn_ids)
547 0 8 unless my $sector = $engine->load_sector($blist_loc)