Branch Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
branch 29 40 72.5

line true false branch
90 0 20 if @_ > 2
92 1 19 if (dbh_is_registered($category, $dbh))
102 1 1 if $IN_TRANSACTION and $dbh->{'AutoCommit'}
125 0 5 if @_ > 2
127 0 5 unless my $addr = &refaddr($dbh)
128 1 4 unless (dbh_is_registered($category, $dbh))
130 1 0 @other_categories ? :
149 0 6 unless my $addr = &refaddr($dbh)
153 5 0 defined $_ ? :
169 0 34 if @_ > 2
172 10 24 exists $DBH_SOURCE{$category}{$addr} ? :
194 0 1 unless dbh_is_registered($category, $dbh)
195 0 0 if $IN_TRANSACTION and $dbh->{'AutoCommit'}
223 0 6 unless @categories
227 1 5 if (my $count = () = &extract_by(sub { not defined $_; } , \@{$DBH{$category};}))
241 1 5 if ($wantarray) { }
1 4 elsif (defined $wantarray) { }
255 1 5 unless (eval { do { foreach my $category (@categories) { $_->{'AutoCommit'} and $_->begin_work foreach (@{$DBH{$category};}); } ; local $IN_TRANSACTION = 1; if ($wantarray) { @rslt = &$code(); } elsif (defined $wantarray) { $rslt[0] = &$code(); } else { &$code(); } ; _check_fork(); foreach my $category (@categories) { $_->commit foreach (grep defined($_), @{$DBH{$category};}); } ; 1 } })
266 1 4 $wantarray ? :
278 38 10 if $PID == $$