Condition Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
condition 29 38 76.3

and 3 conditions

line !l l&&!r l&&r condition
186 1 1 41 $columns and @$columns

or 2 conditions

line l !l condition
142 8 8 $$self{'create_suffix'} ||= ')'
168 17 10 try(sub { $self->_data_type_from_driver($self->default_sql_data_type); } ) || 'text'
217 9 7 $$self{'drop_prefix'} ||= 'DROP TABLE'
419 0 16 $$self{'quoted_column_names'} ||= [map({$$self{'dbh'}->quote_identifier($_);} @{$self->column_names;})]

or 3 conditions

line l !l&&r !l&&!r condition
99 130 15 1 $$self{'columns'} ||= $self->_get_custom_or_raw_row
118 7 9 0 $$self{'create_prefix'} ||= "CREATE $$self{'table_type'} TABLE " . $self->quoted_name . ' ('
133 6 10 0 $$self{'create_sql'} ||= join(' ', $self->create_prefix, join(', ', map({$$self{'dbh'}->quote_identifier($$_[0]) . ' ' . $$_[1];} @{$self->columns;})), $self->create_suffix)
168 19 27 0 $$self{'default_column_type'} ||= try(sub { $self->_data_type_from_driver($self->default_sql_data_type); } ) || 'text'
178 1 27 0 $$self{'default_sql_data_type'} ||= try(sub { require DBI; &DBI::SQL_LONGVARCHAR(); } )
223 8 8 0 $$self{'drop_sql'} ||= join(' ', $self->drop_prefix, $self->quoted_name, $self->drop_suffix)
393 3 17 0 $$self{'name'} || $self->default_name
4 20 0 $$self{'_name'} ||= $$self{'name_prefix'} . ($$self{'name'} || $self->default_name) . $$self{'name_suffix'}
409 14 19 0 $$self{'quoted_name'} ||= $$self{'dbh'}->quote_identifier($$self{'catalog'}, $$self{'schema'}, $self->name)