Branch Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
branch 0 28 0.0

line true false branch
20 0 0 if ($dsn =~ /^(?i:dbi):SQLite:/)
22 0 0 unless exists $attr->{'sqlite_unicode'}
24 0 0 if ($dsn =~ /^(?i:dbi):mysql:/ and not exists $attr->{'mysql_enable_utf8'} and not exists $attr->{'mysql_enable_utf8mb4'})
27 0 0 if ($dsn =~ /^(?i:dbi):Pg:/ and not exists $attr->{'pg_enable_utf8'})
47 0 0 if ($dsn =~ /^dbi:SQLite:/)
49 0 0 unless exists $attr->{'sqlite_unicode'}
55 0 0 if ($dsn =~ /^dbi:mysql:/ and not exists $attr->{'mysql_enable_utf8'} and not exists $attr->{'mysql_enable_utf8mb4'})
59 0 0 if ($dsn =~ /^dbi:mysql:/)
70 0 0 unless ($self->{'private_txt_manager'})
89 0 0 if $caller[0] ne ref $self and not $caller[0] =~ /$DBIx::Sunny::SKIP_CALLER_REGEX/
125 0 0 unless $row
133 0 0 unless $row
153 0 0 if ($dsn =~ /^(?i:dbi):SQLite:/) { }
0 0 elsif ($dsn =~ /^(?i:dbi):mysql:/) { }