Branch Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
branch 40 54 74.0

line true false branch
29 12 22 ref $_[0] eq 'HASH' ? :
45 36 270 if (exists $opts{$var}) { }
74 196 elsif (exists $$query{$var}) { }
68 1 1 unless @args
71 2 0 unless $$self{'executed'}
73 0 2 unless $$self{'all_columns'}
77 2 0 if (@args)
80 1 1 if (ref $slice eq 'HASH' and not keys %$slice) { }
1 0 elsif (ref $slice eq 'ARRAY' and not @$slice) { }
97 2 0 if $tr
121 0 7 unless $$self{'executed'}
139 0 16 unless my $sth = $$self{'sth'} = $$self{'dbh'}->prepare($sql)
144 1 15 if (my $bind = $$self{'bind_params'})
150 0 16 unless $$self{'executed'} = $sth->execute(@params)
154 15 1 if (my $columns = $$sth{$$self{'hash_key_name'}})
170 15 0 if (my $transformations = $$self{'transformations'})
194 3 3 unless $$self{'executed'}
198 1 5 unless my(@key_columns) = @{$$self{'key_columns'};}
227 3 2 if (not $$self{'preferences'} && @{$$self{'preferences'};}) { }
230 15 0 if $tr
233 10 5 unless keys %$hash
239 12 0 if $tr
248 4 8 if (keys %$hash) { }
272 0 4 unless $$self{'executed'}
276 0 4 unless $$self{'non_key_columns'}
301 0 19 unless $rules and @$rules
309 15 55 if $found