Branch Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
branch 92 152 60.5

line true false branch
30 0 3 if $^V lt 5.22.0
37 30 2 if $$text =~ /^\s*\{/u
46 0 27 if ($pkg and $pkg->can("except"))
52 6 21 if @_ % 2
54 2 25 if ($p{'prefix'} and $p{'prefix'} =~ /^[a-zA-Z_]\w*$/u)
56 2 0 if ($p{'dbh'} and ref $p{'dbh'} and ref $p{'dbh'} eq 'SCALAR' || ref $p{'dbh'} eq 'REF')
117 1 4 unless (UNIVERSAL::isa($p{'dbh'}, "DBI::db"))
121 0 4 if ($p{'quirks'} and ref $p{'quirks'} eq "ARRAY")
133 0 0 if (ref $flavor)
138 0 0 if ($flavor eq 'oracle') { }
140 0 0 if ($qtype eq 'table_func_cast') { }
142 0 0 unless $cast
162 3 0 ref $moi ? :
168 0 0 if ($flavor eq "pg" and $dbh->{'FetchHashKeyName'})
169 0 0 if ($dbh->{'FetchHashKeyName'} eq 'NAME_uc') { }
0 0 elsif ($dbh->{'FetchHashKeyName'} eq 'NAME_lc') { }
182 0 3 if @kf
189 0 0 ref $moi ? :
197 3 0 ref $moi ? :
206 0 3 if ($flags{'key_fields'}) { }
208 0 0 @kf == 1 ? :
211 0 0 if ($nret - @kf == 1) { }
216 0 0 if ($level <= 1) { }
228 0 0 if ($level <= 1) { }
238 0 0 wantarray ? :
240 0 3 if ($nret > 1) { }
242 0 0 wantarray ? :
245 0 3 wantarray ? :
254 0 0 ref $moi ? :
269 0 0 ref $moi ? :
284 0 0 ref $moi ? :
296 0 0 if (ref $v eq 'CODE') { }
306 0 0 if ($skip_prepare) { }
307 0 0 unless defined $dbh->do($sql, {}, @b)
311 0 0 unless defined $sth{$k}->execute(@b)
319 0 0 if (ref $self and $self->isa('DBIx::Perlish')) { }
325 0 0 $_[0]{'bind_values'} ? :
331 324 22 unless $args{'quirks'}
342 261 28 if ($operation eq 'select') { }
2 26 elsif ($operation eq 'delete') { }
26 0 elsif ($operation eq 'update') { }
344 7 254 if ($S->{'key_fields'})
346 5 2 if $args{'key_fields'}
349 2 259 if $S->{'distinct'}
350 83 178 if ($S->{'returns'}) { }
354 15 106 if $ret =~ /\*/u
359 2 2 if 1 == @{$S->{'returns'};} and $S->{'returns'}[0] =~ /^(.*)\.\*/u and $S->{'returns_dont_care'}{$1}
365 2 259 if $nkf == $nret
379 5 186 $no_aliases ? :
385 21 109 $no_aliases ? :
390 15 272 unless (keys %tabs)
391 12 3 if ($operation eq 'select' and $S->{'returns'}) { }
392 3 9 if ($args{'flavor'} and $args{'flavor'} eq 'oracle') { }
406 22 3 defined $condition ? :
408 1 3 if $seentab{$tab1} and $seentab{$tab2}
409 2 22 if ($seentab{$tab2})
411 1 1 if ($join eq 'left outer') { }
0 1 elsif ($join eq 'right outer') { }
417 5 19 if ($seentab{$tab1}) { }
418 5 0 if $joins
421 1 18 if $joins
427 17 266 $joins ? :
436 2 2 if ($S->{'autogroup_needed'} and not $S->{'no_autogroup'} and not @group_by and @{$S->{'autogroup_by'};})
441 1 282 if $operation eq "update" and not @sets
443 24 258 if @sets
444 162 120 if @where
445 4 278 if @group_by
446 1 281 if @having
447 8 274 if @order_by
449 2 23 if ($dangerous and not @where and not $S->{'seen_exec'})
455 268 12 unless ($use_rownum)
456 6 262 if ($S->{'limit'})
459 4 264 if ($S->{'offset'})
474 2 10 if ($use_rownum and $S->{'limit'} || $S->{'offset'})
476 1 1 if $S->{'offset'}
477 2 0 if $S->{'limit'}