Condition Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
condition 12 67 17.9

and 2 conditions

line l !l condition
14 0 0 carp('This method requires an object') and return
177 0 0 carp('missing table argument') and return
184 0 0 carp('missing column definitions') and return
389 0 0 carp('duplicate table/join declaration') and return
398 0 0 carp('missing join name') and return
401 0 0 carp('missing table(s) to join') and return
407 0 0 carp('missing required tables') and return
411 0 0 carp("No such table '${ptab}'") and return
472 0 0 carp("No such table '${tab_name}'") and return
483 0 0 carp("Secondary table '${secondary}' unknown") and return
485 0 0 carp("No such table '${secondary}'") and return
501 0 0 carp("No such key '${k}' on primary table '${usetab_name}'") and return
503 0 0 carp("No such key '${k}' on secondary table '${tab_name}'") and return
618 0 0 carp("$name is not a class method") and return
619 0 0 carp("$name is part of the primary key") and return $self
628 0 0 carp("$name is not a class method") and return

and 3 conditions

line !l l&&!r l&&r condition
264 1 0 0 not %kv and scalar @p == scalar @$un
401 0 0 1 $ptab and $tables

or 2 conditions

line l !l condition
258 1 2 $unique ||= []

or 3 conditions

line l !l&&r !l&&!r condition
124 0 0 0 ref $self || $self
178 0 3 0 delete $args{'alias'} || $table
184 2 0 1 $primary or $unique
2 1 0 $primary or $unique or $columns
294 0 11 0 delete $cdef{'alias'} || $sql_name
546 0 5 0 $column_map{$$col{'name'}} ||= $column_ref
547 0 5 0 $column_map{$tab_name . '_' . $$col{'name'}} ||= $column_ref
634 0 0 0 defined $val or defined $nval
635 0 0 0 not defined $val or $nval ne $val