Condition Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
condition 50 150 33.3

and 3 conditions

line !l l&&!r l&&r condition
178 723 0 9 $res[0] eq '0' and $res[1] eq '0'
228 105 1 0 $c == 45 and $lexer->yyPeek == 45
106 0 0 $c == 45 and $lexer->yyPeek == 45 and $lexer->my_isspace($lexer->yyPeek2) || $lexer->my_iscntrl($lexer->yyPeek2)
245 68 0 0 $c == 63 and not $$ident_map[$lexer->yyPeek]
295 0 194 104 $start == $$lexer[7] and $c == 46
194 1 103 $start == $$lexer[7] and $c == 46 and $$ident_map[$lexer->yyPeek]
311 160 0 0 substr($lex_str, 0, 1) eq '_' and exists $$DBIx::MyParsePP::Charsets::charsets{substr $lex_str, 1}
333 0 0 0 $c == 120 and $$lexer[7] - $$lexer[8] == 2
0 0 0 $c == 120 and $$lexer[7] - $$lexer[8] == 2 and substr($string, $$lexer[8], 1) eq '0'
0 0 0 $c == 98 and $$lexer[7] - $$lexer[8] == 2
0 0 0 $c == 98 and $$lexer[7] - $$lexer[8] == 2 and substr($string, $$lexer[8], 1) eq '0'
353 0 0 0 $$lexer[7] - $$lexer[8] >= 4 and not $$ident_map[$c]
365 0 0 0 $$lexer[7] - $$lexer[8] >= 4 and not $$ident_map[$c]
380 102 1 2 $c == 46 and $$ident_map[$lexer->yyPeek]
531 0 0 0 ($c = $lexer->yyGet) != 10 and $c
557 0 462 0 $$lexer[7] != length($string) - 1 and ($c = $lexer->yyGet != 42) || $lexer->yyPeek != 47
572 2 0 1 $$lexer[12] and $lexer->yyPeek == 47
589 0 0 1 $$lexer[5] & 65536 and not $$lexer[6]
740 90 0 0 $c == 92 and not $$lexer[3] & 1048576
772 0 0 0 not $$lexer[3] & 1048576 and substr($string, $str, 1) eq '\\'
0 0 0 not $$lexer[3] & 1048576 and substr($string, $str, 1) eq '\\' and $str + 1 != $end
851 0 0 0 substr($token, 0, 1) eq '0' and length $token > 0
917 187 1 0 $symbol eq 'NOT_SYM' and $$lexer[3] & 536870912
924 186 1 1 $symbol eq 'OR_OR_SYM' and $$lexer[3] & 2

or 3 conditions

line l !l&&r !l&&!r condition
208 234 296 255 $state eq 'MY_LEX_OPERATOR_OR_IDENT' or $state eq 'MY_LEX_START'
223 0 106 679 $state eq 'MY_LEX_ESCAPE' or $state eq 'MY_LEX_CHAR'
106 0 679 $state eq 'MY_LEX_ESCAPE' or $state eq 'MY_LEX_CHAR' or $state eq 'MY_LEX_SKIP'
228 0 0 0 $lexer->my_isspace($lexer->yyPeek2) || $lexer->my_iscntrl($lexer->yyPeek2)
276 0 4 671 $state eq 'MY_LEX_IDENT_OR_HEX' or $state eq 'MY_LEX_IDENT_OR_BIN'
4 294 377 $state eq 'MY_LEX_IDENT_OR_HEX' or $state eq 'MY_LEX_IDENT_OR_BIN' or $state eq 'MY_LEX_IDENT'
333 0 0 0 $c == 101 or $c == 69
334 0 0 0 $lexer->my_isdigit($lexer->yyPeek) or $c = $lexer->yyGet == 43
0 0 0 $lexer->my_isdigit($lexer->yyPeek) or $c = $lexer->yyGet == 43 or $c == 45
422 0 0 111 $state eq 'MY_LEX_INT_OR_REAL' or $state eq 'MY_LEX_REAL'
427 0 0 0 $c == 101 or $c == 69
432 0 0 0 $c == 43 or $c == 45
456 0 0 0 not $length & 1 or $c != 39
465 0 0 0 ($c = $lexer->yyGet) == 48 or $c == 49
475 1 0 47 $$state_map[$lexer->yyPeek] eq 'MY_LEX_CMP_OP' or $$state_map[$lexer->yyPeek] eq 'MY_LEX_LONG_CMP_OP'
488 0 0 0 $$state_map[$lexer->yyPeek] eq 'MY_LEX_CMP_OP' or $$state_map[$lexer->yyPeek] eq 'MY_LEX_LONG_CMP_OP'
519 4 15 42 $state eq 'MY_LEX_STRING_OR_DELIMITER' or $state eq 'MY_LEX_STRING'
557 447 0 15 ($c = $lexer->yyGet != 42) || $lexer->yyPeek != 47
604 0 10 11 $state eq 'MY_LEX_SEMICOLON' or $state eq 'MY_LEX_EOL'
626 0 0 0 $$state_map[$lexer->yyPeek] eq 'MY_LEX_STRING' or $$state_map[$lexer->yyPeek] eq 'MY_LEX_USER_VARIABLE_DELIMITER'
0 0 0 $$state_map[$lexer->yyPeek] eq 'MY_LEX_STRING' or $$state_map[$lexer->yyPeek] eq 'MY_LEX_USER_VARIABLE_DELIMITER' or $$state_map[$lexer->yyPeek] eq 'MY_LEX_STRING_OR_DELIMITER'
640 0 0 0 $lexer->my_isalnum($c) or $c == 46
0 0 0 $lexer->my_isalnum($c) or $c == 46 or $c == 95
0 0 0 $lexer->my_isalnum($c) or $c == 46 or $c == 95 or $c == 36
707 324 60 1152 $state_map[$i] eq 'MY_LEX_IDENT' || $state_map[$i] eq 'MY_LEX_NUMBER_IDENT'
778 0 0 0 $prev_str eq '_' or $prev_str eq '%'