Branch Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
branch 15 20 75.0

line true false branch
35 1 8 unless ref $sql and $sql->isa('DBIx::InterpolationBinding')
40 0 8 if $DBIx::InterpolationBinding::DEBUG
42 0 8 unless my $sth = $dbi->prepare($sql)
43 0 8 unless $sth->execute(@params)
50 9 2 if (ref $sql and $sql->isa('DBIx::InterpolationBinding'))
63 20 25 unless $mode eq 'qq'
94 16 23 if ($string_is_this_class and not $flipped)
99 0 39 if ($string_is_this_class and $flipped)
106 0 39 if ($flipped and not $string_is_this_class)
111 23 16 unless ($flipped or $string_is_this_class)