Branch Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
branch 0 78 0.0

line true false branch
92 0 0 ref $_[0] ? :
96 0 0 if $update and $ignore
98 0 0 if (ref($file) =~ /^(?:ARRAY|HASH)$/)
105 0 0 unless ($table)
110 0 0 unless ($format)
115 0 0 if ($format eq 'csv' or $format eq 'tsv') { }
119 0 0 if ($format eq 'json') { }
0 0 elsif ($format =~ /ya?ml/) { }
123 0 0 unless open my $fh, '<', $file
130 0 0 unless $rows = 'YAML::Tiny'->read($file)
149 0 0 $format eq 'tsv' ? :
0 0 unless my $csv = 'Text::CSV'->new({'binary', 1, 'blank_is_undef', 1, 'sep_char', $format eq 'tsv' ? "\t" : ',', %{$self->csv_option;}})
152 0 0 unless open my $fh, '<', $file
166 0 0 if $args{'update'} and $args{'ignore'}
170 0 0 if $update and $ignore
174 0 0 if $bulk_insert and $skip_null_column
177 0 0 if (exists $args{'update'})
179 0 0 if $update
181 0 0 if (exists $args{'ignore'})
183 0 0 if $ignore
186 0 0 if ($update and $self->_driver_name ne 'mysql')
195 0 0 unless my $txn = $self->transaction_manager->txn_scope
197 0 0 if ($delete)
202 0 0 unless scalar @$data
204 0 0 if $ignore
205 0 0 if ($bulk_insert) { }
206 0 0 if $update
208 0 0 $opt ? :
210 0 0 unless $dbh->do($sql, undef, @binds)
213 0 0 $update ? :
216 0 0 defined $row_orig->{$_} ? :
0 0 !$skip_null_column ? :
218 0 0 if $update
219 0 0 $opt ? :
221 0 0 unless $dbh->do($sql, undef, @binds)
224 0 0 unless $txn->commit
234 0 0 if (ref $data eq 'HASH') { }
0 0 elsif (ref $data eq 'ARRAY') { }
238 0 0 if ($data->[0] and $data->[0]{'data'} and ref $data->[0]{'data'} eq 'HASH') { }