Branch Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
branch 16 668 2.4

line true false branch
148 0 0 if (defined $customcmds)
150 0 0 if (defined $commands{$cucmd})
153 0 0 unless (defined $customcmds->{$cucmd}{'func'})
156 0 0 unless (defined $customcmds->{$cucmd}{'doc'})
164 0 0 unless $DBIx::FileSystem::dbh = 'DBI'->connect($DBCONN, $DBUSER, $DBPWD, {'ChopBlanks', 1, 'AutoCommit', 1, 'PrintError', 0})
169 0 0 if (&check_vdirs_struct())
170 0 0 unless $DBIx::FileSystem::dbh->disconnect
175 0 0 if (&check_db_tables())
176 0 0 unless $DBIx::FileSystem::dbh->disconnect
199 0 0 unless defined $cmd
202 0 0 if (defined $command) { }
203 0 0 if &{$command->{'func'};}(@arg)
209 0 0 unless $DBIx::FileSystem::dbh->disconnect
219 0 0 unless $DBIx::FileSystem::dbh = 'DBI'->connect($DBCONN, $DBUSER, $DBPWD, {'ChopBlanks', 1, 'AutoCommit', 1, 'PrintError', 0})
224 0 0 if (&check_vdirs_struct())
230 0 0 unless $DBIx::FileSystem::dbh->disconnect
244 0 0 if (defined $arg) { }
245 0 0 if (defined $commands{$arg}) { }
266 0 0 if (defined $x)
277 0 0 if (length $DBIx::FileSystem::vwd)
281 0 0 unless ($st)
285 0 0 unless ($st->execute)
303 0 0 if $i <= $#files
318 0 0 if (defined $x)
332 0 0 if (length $i > $maxlen)
353 0 0 if (defined $x)
359 0 0 if (defined $vdirs->{$DBIx::FileSystem::vwd}{'comcol'}) { }
364 0 0 unless ($st)
368 0 0 unless ($st->execute)
373 0 0 unless defined $c
382 0 0 unless ($st)
386 0 0 unless ($st->execute)
400 0 0 if (length $i > $maxlen)
414 0 0 if (defined $arg and not defined $x) { }
415 0 0 if (exists $vdirs->{$arg}) { }
449 0 0 if (defined $arg and not defined $x) { }
450 0 0 if ($vdirs->{$DBIx::FileSystem::vwd}{'edit'}) { }
451 0 0 if ($vdirs->{$DBIx::FileSystem::vwd}{'defaultfile'} and $vdirs->{$DBIx::FileSystem::vwd}{'defaultfile'} eq $arg) { }
455 0 0 if ($#reffiles == -1) { }
457 0 0 if (exists $vdirs->{$DBIx::FileSystem::vwd}{'rmcheck'})
460 0 0 if (defined $rmerr) { }
465 0 0 if (not defined $r) { }
0 0 elsif ($r == 0) { }
493 0 0 if (defined $old and defined $new and not defined $x) { }
494 0 0 if ($vdirs->{$DBIx::FileSystem::vwd}{'edit'}) { }
496 0 0 if (length $new <= $vdirs->{$DBIx::FileSystem::vwd}{'cols'}{$fnc}{'len'} and not $new =~ /\W+/) { }
503 0 0 if ($col eq $fnc) { }
0 0 elsif (exists $vdirs->{$DBIx::FileSystem::vwd}{'cols'}{$col}{'uniq'}) { }
0 0 elsif (exists $vdirs->{$DBIx::FileSystem::vwd}{'cols'}{$col}{'cpdelete'}) { }
518 0 0 if (not defined $r or $r != 1)
539 0 0 if (defined $arg and not defined $x) { }
540 0 0 if (&print_file($DBIx::FileSystem::OUT, $arg, 0) == 1)
555 0 0 if (defined $arg and not defined $x) { }
556 0 0 if (&print_file($DBIx::FileSystem::OUT, $arg, 1) == 1)
578 0 0 if (defined $arg and not defined $x) { }
579 0 0 if ($vdirs->{$DBIx::FileSystem::vwd}{'edit'}) { }
581 0 0 if (length $arg <= $vdirs->{$DBIx::FileSystem::vwd}{'cols'}{$fnc}{'len'} and not $arg =~ /\W+/) { }
589 0 0 if ($r == 0 or $r == 1) { }
593 0 0 if (defined $err)
595 0 0 if $inp eq 'y'
596 0 0 if $inp eq 'n'
599 0 0 if (length $sql and $tmpf_mtime != (stat $tmpf)[9]) { }
601 0 0 if (not defined $res) { }
0 0 elsif ($res == 0) { }
603 0 0 if ($inp eq 'y')
633 0 0 if (defined $arg and not defined $x) { }
635 0 0 if ($#reffiles > -1) { }
652 0 0 if (defined $arg and not defined $x) { }
684 0 0 if ($start == 0) { }
0 0 elsif ($line =~ /^cd\s.*/) { }
718 0 0 unless ($state)
727 0 0 if $name[$list_index - 1] =~ /^$text/
752 0 0 unless ($state)
760 0 0 if $name[$list_index - 1] =~ /^$text/
782 0 0 unless ($state)
788 0 0 unless ($st)
792 0 0 unless ($st->execute)
806 0 0 if $name[$list_index - 1] =~ /^$text/
831 0 0 unless defined $DBIx::FileSystem::vwd
833 0 0 unless (defined $vdirs->{$dir}{'desc'})
837 0 0 unless (defined $vdirs->{$dir}{'edit'})
842 0 0 unless (defined $vdirs->{$dir}{'cols'})
847 0 0 unless (defined $vdirs->{$dir}{'refby'})
853 0 0 unless (defined $fnamcol)
857 0 0 unless (defined $vdirs->{$dir}{'cols'}{$fnamcol})
861 0 0 if ($vdirs->{$dir}{'cols'}{$fnamcol}{'type'} ne 'char')
865 0 0 if ($vdirs->{$dir}{'edit'} == 1)
866 0 0 unless (defined $vdirs->{$dir}{'cols'}{$fnamcol}{'len'})
871 0 0 if ($vdirs->{$dir}{'cols'}{$fnamcol}{'len'} + 2 > $LS_COL_WIDTH)
878 0 0 if (defined $comcol)
879 0 0 unless (defined $vdirs->{$dir}{'cols'}{$comcol})
883 0 0 if ($vdirs->{$dir}{'cols'}{$comcol}{'type'} ne 'char')
887 0 0 unless (defined $vdirs->{$dir}{'cols'}{$comcol}{'len'})
897 0 0 if (exists $cols->{$col}{'delcp'})
903 0 0 unless (defined $cols->{$col}{'type'} or defined $cols->{$col}{'ref'})
907 0 0 if (defined $cols->{$col}{'ref'} and not defined $$vdirs{$cols->{$col}{'ref'}})
913 0 0 if (exists $cols->{$col}{'flags'})
914 0 0 if ($cols->{$col}{'type'} ne 'int')
918 0 0 unless (ref $cols->{$col}{'flags'} eq 'HASH')
923 0 0 if ($i =~ /\D/)
927 0 0 unless (ref $cols->{$col}{'flags'}{$i} eq 'ARRAY')
931 0 0 unless (defined $cols->{$col}{'flags'}{$i}[0])
935 0 0 if ($cols->{$col}{'flags'}{$i}[0] =~ / /)
939 0 0 unless (defined $cols->{$col}{'flags'}{$i}[1])
947 0 0 if (exists $cols->{$col}{'enums'})
948 0 0 if ($cols->{$col}{'type'} ne 'int')
952 0 0 unless (ref $cols->{$col}{'enums'} eq 'HASH')
957 0 0 if ($i =~ /\D/)
961 0 0 unless (ref $cols->{$col}{'enums'}{$i} eq 'ARRAY')
965 0 0 unless (defined $cols->{$col}{'enums'}{$i}[0])
969 0 0 if ($cols->{$col}{'enums'}{$i}[0] =~ / /)
973 0 0 unless (defined $cols->{$col}{'enums'}{$i}[1])
981 0 0 if (defined $cols->{$col}{'ref'})
985 0 0 if (defined $cols->{$col}{'type'} and $vdirs->{$dir}{'edit'} == 1)
986 0 0 if ($cols->{$col}{'type'} ne 'char' and $cols->{$col}{'type'} ne 'int' and $cols->{$col}{'type'} ne 'smallint' and $cols->{$col}{'type'} ne 'inet' and $cols->{$col}{'type'} ne 'cidr')
997 0 0 unless (defined $cols->{$col}{'var'})
1001 0 0 unless (defined $cols->{$col}{'desc'})
1005 0 0 unless (defined $cols->{$col}{'pos'})
1012 0 0 if (defined $varnames{$varname})
1031 0 0 unless ($st)
1035 0 0 unless ($st->execute)
1041 0 0 unless ($dbversion)
1047 0 0 if ($VERSION ne $dbversion)
1056 0 0 unless ($st)
1060 0 0 unless ($st->execute)
1081 0 0 unless ($r)
1087 0 0 unless ($r)
1098 0 0 if (defined $cols->{$col}{'ref'}) { }
1101 0 0 if (defined $vdirs->{$rdir}{'cols'}{$rfnc}{'len'}) { }
1107 0 0 if (defined $cols->{$col}{'len'}) { }
1112 0 0 if defined $cols->{$col}{'colopt'}
1119 0 0 unless ($r)
1123 0 0 if exists $vdirs->{$tab}{'defaultfile'}
1124 0 0 if ($df)
1126 0 0 if (length $df <= $vdirs->{$tab}{'cols'}{$fnc}{'len'} and not $df =~ /\W+/) { }
1128 0 0 if (not defined $r or $r == 0)
1179 0 0 if $col eq $fnc
1181 0 0 if (length $var > $maxvarlen)
1185 0 0 exists $cols->{$col}{'ref'} ? :
1186 0 0 exists $cols->{$col}{'flags'} ? :
1187 0 0 exists $cols->{$col}{'enums'} ? :
1196 0 0 unless ($st)
1200 0 0 unless ($st->execute($fnam))
1207 0 0 if ($vdirs->{$DBIx::FileSystem::vwd}{'defaultfile'} and $vdirs->{$DBIx::FileSystem::vwd}{'defaultfile'} ne $fnam)
1208 0 0 unless ($st->execute($vdirs->{$DBIx::FileSystem::vwd}{'defaultfile'}))
1219 0 0 if ($verbose == 0) { }
1220 0 0 if (@values) { }
1224 0 0 @defaults ? :
1236 0 0 if (@values) { }
1243 0 0 if ($verbose == 2)
1251 0 0 if ($print_it == 1)
1255 0 0 if ($vdirs->{$DBIx::FileSystem::vwd}{'defaultfile'} and $vdirs->{$DBIx::FileSystem::vwd}{'defaultfile'} ne $fnam)
1263 0 0 if ($vdirs->{$DBIx::FileSystem::vwd}{'defaultfile'} and $vdirs->{$DBIx::FileSystem::vwd}{'defaultfile'} ne $fnam)
1275 0 0 if (@defaults)
1277 0 0 if (defined $defaults[$i] and defined $flags[$i]) { }
0 0 elsif (defined $defaults[$i] and defined $enums[$i]) { }
0 0 elsif (defined $defaults[$i]) { }
1285 0 0 defined $def ? :
1311 0 0 if (defined $ref) { }
0 0 elsif (defined $flags) { }
0 0 elsif (defined $enums) { }
1319 0 0 unless ($st)
1323 0 0 unless ($st->execute)
1330 0 0 if defined $value
1332 0 0 if defined $value and $value eq $rval
1341 0 0 if (exists $flags->{$i})
1342 0 0 if (length $flags->{$i}[0] > $maxlen)
1348 0 0 defined $value ? :
1352 0 0 if (exists $flags->{$i})
1355 0 0 if ($first) { }
1362 0 0 if (defined $value and $value & 1 << $i) { }
1369 0 0 if (defined $value) { }
1379 0 0 if (length $enums->{$i}[0] > $maxlen)
1386 0 0 if (defined $value and not exists $enums->{$value})
1392 0 0 if ($first) { }
1399 0 0 if (defined $value and $value == $i) { }
1409 0 0 if defined $value
1434 0 0 if (defined $flags) { }
0 0 elsif (defined $enums) { }
1442 0 0 if ($maxvarlen) { }
1447 0 0 if ($hasdefault) { }
1448 0 0 if (defined $value) { }
1451 0 0 defined $default ? :
1454 0 0 defined $value ? :
1475 0 0 if (defined $flags and defined $value)
1478 0 0 if (exists $flags->{$i})
1479 0 0 if ($value & 1 << $i)
1506 0 0 if (defined $enums and defined $value)
1507 0 0 if (exists $enums->{$value}) { }
1542 0 0 unless ($st)
1546 0 0 unless ($st->execute)
1591 0 0 if ($insert_flag) { }
1606 0 0 unless open TF, $tmpfile
1612 0 0 if $line =~ /^$/
1613 0 0 if $line =~ /^\#.*/
1614 0 0 unless ($line =~ /=/)
1623 0 0 if (length $var == 0 or $var =~ /\W+/)
1629 0 0 if (defined $varcol{$var}) { }
1630 0 0 if (defined $isset{$var})
1637 0 0 if ($vlen > 0) { }
1639 0 0 if (defined $cols->{$col}{'ref'}) { }
0 0 elsif ($cols->{$col}{'type'} eq 'char') { }
0 0 elsif ($cols->{$col}{'type'} eq 'int') { }
0 0 elsif ($cols->{$col}{'type'} eq 'smallint') { }
0 0 elsif ($cols->{$col}{'type'} eq 'cidr') { }
0 0 elsif ($cols->{$col}{'type'} eq 'inet') { }
1643 0 0 if ($val eq '{') { }
1652 0 0 if $l =~ /^$/
1653 0 0 if $l =~ /^\#.*/
1654 0 0 if ($l eq 'Selected:')
1655 0 0 if ($l eq 'Available:')
1656 0 0 if ($l eq '}')
1657 0 0 if ($mode eq 'sel')
1658 0 0 if (not defined $val) { }
1666 0 0 if ($mode ne '}')
1678 0 0 if (defined $vdirs->{$rdir}{'cols'}{$rfnc}{'len'}) { }
1680 0 0 if ($vlen > $rlen)
1685 0 0 if ($vlen > 1)
1691 0 0 if (defined $val)
1695 0 0 unless ($st)
1700 0 0 unless ($st->execute($val))
1707 0 0 unless (defined $dbval)
1713 0 0 defined $val ? :
1714 0 0 if ($insert_flag) { }
1725 0 0 if (defined $cols->{$col}{'len'}) { }
1726 0 0 if ($vlen > $cols->{$col}{'len'})
1731 0 0 if ($vlen > 1)
1736 0 0 if ($insert_flag) { }
1747 0 0 if (exists $cols->{$col}{'flags'}) { }
0 0 elsif (exists $cols->{$col}{'enums'}) { }
1748 0 0 if ($val =~ /{.*/) { }
1758 0 0 if $l =~ /^$/
1759 0 0 if $l =~ /^\#.*/
1760 0 0 if ($l eq 'On:')
1761 0 0 if ($l eq 'Off:')
1762 0 0 if ($l eq '}')
1763 0 0 if $mode eq '{'
1769 0 0 if ($cols->{$col}{'flags'}{$bit}[0] eq $l)
1771 0 0 if $mode eq 'on'
1775 0 0 unless ($flagfound)
1781 0 0 if ($mode ne '}')
1791 0 0 if ($val eq '{') { }
1801 0 0 if $l =~ /^$/
1802 0 0 if $l =~ /^\#.*/
1803 0 0 if ($l eq 'Selected:')
1804 0 0 if ($l eq 'Available:')
1805 0 0 if ($l eq '}')
1808 0 0 if ($cols->{$col}{'enums'}{$enumval}[0] eq $l)
1810 0 0 if ($mode eq 'sel')
1811 0 0 if ($val eq 'NULL') { }
1821 0 0 unless ($enumfound)
1826 0 0 if ($mode ne '}')
1835 0 0 unless ($val =~ /^-?\d+$/)
1839 0 0 if ($val <= -2147483648 or $val >= 2147483647)
1844 0 0 if ($insert_flag) { }
1856 0 0 if ($val eq 'NULL') { }
1865 0 0 unless ($val =~ /^-?\d+$/)
1869 0 0 if ($val <= -32768 or $val >= 32767)
1873 0 0 if ($insert_flag) { }
1887 0 0 unless ($st)
1892 0 0 unless ($st->execute)
1899 0 0 if ($insert_flag) { }
1913 0 0 unless ($st)
1918 0 0 unless ($st->execute)
1925 0 0 if ($insert_flag) { }
1940 0 0 if ($insert_flag) { }
1956 0 0 if ($insert_flag) { }
1962 0 0 if (chop $sql1 ne ',')
1973 0 0 unless (defined $err)
1976 0 0 if (exists $cols->{$col}{'uniq'})
1977 0 0 if (exists $cols->{$col}{'valok'})
1979 0 0 if (defined $valerr)
1991 0 0 if (not defined $err and $hasuniqcols == 1)
1994 0 0 if (exists $cols->{$col}{'uniq'} and defined $filevars{$col})
1999 0 0 unless ($st)
2004 0 0 unless ($st->execute("$filevars{$col}"))
2013 0 0 if ($valerr ne '')
2041 0 0 unless defined $inp
2078 0 0 if $col eq $fnc
2082 0 0 exists $cols->{$col}{'flags'} ? :
2083 0 0 exists $cols->{$col}{'enums'} ? :
2093 0 0 if ($vdirs->{$DBIx::FileSystem::vwd}{'defaultfile'})
2096 0 0 unless ($st)
2100 0 0 unless ($st->execute($vdirs->{$DBIx::FileSystem::vwd}{'defaultfile'}))
2111 0 0 unless ($st)
2115 0 0 unless ($st->execute)
2122 0 0 if (@values)
2124 0 0 if ($vdirs->{$DBIx::FileSystem::vwd}{'defaultfile'} and $vdirs->{$DBIx::FileSystem::vwd}{'defaultfile'} ne $fnam) { }
2135 0 0 if $line =~ /$pattern/i
2177 0 2 if (exists $params{'rdbh'} and defined $params{'rdbh'}) { }
2178 0 0 if (exists $params{'progdbver'} and defined $params{'progdbver'}) { }
2188 2 0 if (exists $params{'dbconn'} and defined $params{'dbconn'}) { }
2195 2 0 if (exists $params{'progdbver'} and defined $params{'progdbver'}) { }
2206 0 0 unless ($self->{'dbh'})
2228 0 2 if defined $self->{'dbh'}
2254 0 0 if (defined ${$$self{'rdbh'};})
2258 0 0 if ($st) { }
2259 0 0 if ($st->execute) { }
2261 0 0 if ($dbdbver eq $self->{'progdbver'}) { }
2275 0 0 if ($ret)
2276 0 0 if defined $self->{'dbh'}
2330 0 0 unless (defined ${$$self{'rdbh'};})
2336 0 0 if (not defined $dir or $dir eq '')
2340 0 0 if (not defined $fnamcol or $fnamcol eq '')
2344 0 0 if (ref $vars ne 'HASH')
2348 0 0 if (keys %{$vars;} == 0)
2352 0 0 if (ref $searchvars ne 'HASH')
2356 0 0 if (keys %{$searchvars;} == 0)
2371 0 0 if (defined $defaultfname) { }
2377 0 0 unless ($st)
2381 0 0 if ($st->execute) { }
2383 0 0 if (defined $res and $res == 1) { }
2410 0 0 if $rest
2413 0 0 unless $rest
2418 0 0 if (not defined $res or defined ${$$self{'rdbh'};}->{'err'})
2423 0 0 if (@$res == 0) { }
0 0 elsif (@$res == 1) { }
2440 0 0 if (defined $defaultfname)
2445 0 0 if ($r == 0) { }
2447 0 0 unless defined $vars->{$var}
2450 0 0 if ($r == 1) { }
0 0 elsif ($r == 2) { }
2483 0 0 if (not defined $val) { }
0 0 elsif (ref $val eq 'ARRAY') { }
0 0 elsif (ref $val eq '') { }
2486 0 0 if (defined $val->[0] and defined $val->[1]) { }
2487 0 0 if ($self->isanumber($val->[1])) { }
2496 0 0 if ($self->isanumber($val)) { }
2524 1 40 if (not defined $str) { }
1 39 elsif ($str eq '') { }
7 32 elsif ($str =~ / /) { }
2 30 elsif ($str =~ /infinity/i) { }
2 28 elsif ($str =~ /nan/i) { }
2537 9 19 if ($unparsed != 0 or $!)