Branch Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
branch 42 52 80.7

line true false branch
82 52 0 unless ref $self->{$attr}
143 10 38 if ref $_[-1]
147 0 48 unless $db_name and @primary_key
165 0 2 if ref $_[-1]
241 88 0 unless $kind eq "path"
261 16 29 if @{$class_name . "::ISA";}
284 15 14 if $joins->[0]{'primary_key'}
306 64 0 unless $table =~ /::/
309 2 62 if $role and $role =~ /^(0|""|''|-+|none)$/
317 12 52 if @cols
333 0 48 unless $initial_table and @join_names
338 12 36 if $initial_table =~ s/\|(.+)$//
339 1 47 unless my $table = $self->table($initial_table)
345 12 35 if ($first_join{'alias'})
359 12 78 if ($join_name =~ /^[<>]?=[<>=]?$/) { }
360 0 12 if $join_kind
368 0 78 unless my($source_name, $path_name, $alias) = $join_name =~ /$path_regex/
374 24 54 $source_name ? :
375 2 76 unless my $path = $source_join && $source_join->{'table'}{'path'}{$path_name}
382 35 29 $path->{'multiplicity'}[0] == 0 || $seen_left_join && $self->{'sql_no_inner_after_left_join'} ? :
384 41 35 if $join_kind eq "=>"
387 25 51 if $path->{'multiplicity'}[1] > 1
395 76 0 if ($left_col eq $right_col) { }
397 76 0 if $using
411 24 52 if $alias
424 24 52 if $alias