Branch Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
branch 13 18 72.2

line true false branch
34 3 34 if (scalar @args == 1 and $args[0]->$DBIx::Class::Smooth::Q::_isa('DBIx::Class::Smooth::Q'))
44 0 12 if (&any(sub { $_ eq '-and'; } , @self_valuekeys))
50 0 0 if ($key eq '-and')
68 9 3 if ($self_value->[0] eq '-and')
71 9 3 if ($other_value->[0] eq '-and')
84 4 11 if ($self_value->[0] eq '-or' and $self_value->[1][0] eq '-or')
87 0 15 if ($other_value->[0] eq '-or' and $other_value->[1][0] eq '-or')
91 6 9 if ($self_value->[0] eq '-and' and scalar @{$self_value->[1]} == 2)
94 15 0 if ($other_value->[0] eq '-and' and scalar @{$other_value->[1]} == 2)