Condition Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
condition 1 28 3.5

and 3 conditions

line !l l&&!r l&&r condition
94 0 0 0 defined $seq_expr and $seq_expr =~ /^nextval\(+'([^']+)'::(?:text|regclass)\)/i
96 0 0 0 defined $schema and length $schema
134 0 0 0 defined $schema && length $schema
165 0 0 0 &modver_gt_or_eq('DBD::Pg', '3.0.0') and $_[2]->FETCH('pg_switch_prepared') > 0
207 0 0 0 require DBIx::Class::Optional::Dependencies and my $missing = 'DBIx::Class::Optional::Dependencies'->req_missing_for(['rdbms_pg', 'binary_data'])
258 0 0 0 not exists $sqltargs->{'producer_args'}{'postgres_version'} and my $dver = $self->_server_info->{'normalized_dbms_version'}

or 2 conditions

line l !l condition
188 2 0 $_[1] || ''
256 0 0 $sqltargs ||= {}

or 3 conditions

line l !l&&r !l&&!r condition
49 0 0 0 $col_info->{$col}{'sequence'} ||= $self->dbh_do('_dbh_get_autoinc_seq', $source, $col)
202 0 0 0 &modver_gt_or_eq('DBD::Pg', '2.17.2') or $DBD::Pg::__DBIC_DBD_VERSION_CHECK_DONE__