Branch Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
branch 29 34 85.2

line true false branch
20 21 29650 if $SIG{'__DIE__'}
27 0 29671 if $cref and &Scalar::Util::reftype($cref) ne 'CODE'
31 0 29671 unless (eval { do { $cref = $_[0]->can($_[1]); die "Return value of $_[0]" . "->can(q($_[1])) is true yet not a code reference...\n" if $cref and &Scalar::Util::reftype($cref) ne 'CODE'; 1 } })
35 0 0 length ref $_[0] ? :
48 2934 135 if $class and &__safe_can($class, '_skip_namespace_frames')
51 2934 135 if $skip_class_data
62 6457 26611 if $f[2] == 0 or $f[3] eq '(eval)' || $f[1] =~ /^\(eval \d+\)$/ and not defined($eval_src = (caller $fr_num)[6]) or $f[3] =~ /::__ANON__$/
77 2868 9166 $f[3] =~ /^ (.+) :: ([^\:]+) $/x && !$Carp::Internal{$1} && !($1 =~ /^(?: DBIx::Class::Storage::BlockRunner | Context::Preserve | Try::Tiny | Class::Accessor::Grouped | Class::C3::Componentised | Module::Runtime | Sub::Uplevel )$/x) && !($2 =~ /^(?: throw_exception | carp | carp_unique | carp_once | dbh_do | txn_do | with_deferred_fk_checks | __delicate_rollback | dbic_internal_try )$/x) ? :
87 19365 7246 if (&__safe_can($f[0], '_skip_namespace_frames') and my $extra_skip = $f[0]->_skip_namespace_frames)
95 3064 23547 unless $f[0] =~ /$skip_pattern/
98 4 3060 $eval_src ? :
3064 5 @f ? :
104 2868 0 $origin =~ /::/ ? :
201 2868 !defined($origin) ? :
130 630 5596 $skip_pattern ? :
146 4 9 if $$fired{$_[0]}
163 38 57 if $seen->{$ln}{$msg}