Branch Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
branch 9 16 56.2

line true false branch
44 0 4 if $_[0] eq 'select' or $_[0] eq 'insert'
60 2 2 if (ref $target_name)
61 2 0 if (ref $target_name eq 'SCALAR' and $$target_name =~ /^ (?: \` ( [^`]+ ) \` #` | ( [\w\-]+ ) ) $/x) { }
71 0 2 defined $1 ? :
81 4 0 if $target_name
94 0 3 if ($self->_dbh->{'mysql_auto_reconnect'} and not exists $self->_dbic_connect_attributes->{'mysql_auto_reconnect'})
117 4 30 if $mysql_ver < 4
132 0 0 if (not exists $sqltargs->{'producer_args'}{'mysql_version'} and my $dver = $self->_server_info->{'normalized_dbms_version'})