Branch Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
branch 19 54 35.1

line true false branch
86 0 0 if $dsn =~ /dbname=([^;]+)/
87 0 0 unless ($dbname)
89 0 0 if $dsn =~ /^dbi:SQLite:(.+)$/i
91 0 0 unless $dbname and -f $dbname
101 0 0 unless -f $dir
105 0 0 unless $res
129 0 14 if (not &modver_gt_or_eq('DBD::SQLite', '1.33') and $self->_dbh->FETCH('AutoCommit'))
150 0 145 unless my $dbh = $self->_dbh
151 0 145 unless $dbh->FETCH('Active')
152 0 145 unless $dbh->ping
158 27 118 unless (defined $DBD::SQLite::__DBIC_TXN_SYNC_SANE__)
163 0 145 unless ($DBD::SQLite::__DBIC_TXN_SYNC_SANE__)
180 0 0 unless (eval { do { $dbh->do("-- multiline\nBEGIN"); $dbh->do("-- multiline\nCOMMIT"); 1 } })
181 0 0 $@ =~ /transaction within a transaction/ ? :
189 0 0 if (not defined $really_not_in_txn) { }
0 0 elsif ($really_not_in_txn xor $dbh->{'AutoCommit'}) { }
200 0 0 $really_not_in_txn ? :
0 0 $dbh->{'AutoCommit'} ? :
211 145 0 unless $ping_fail ||= !&try(sub { $dbh->do('SELECT * FROM sqlite_master LIMIT 1'); 1; } )
230 6 0 if (not exists $sqltargs->{'producer_args'}{'sqlite_version'} and my $dver = $self->_server_info->{'normalized_dbms_version'})
249 684 1711 $_[1] =~ /^ (?: int(?:[1248]|eger)? | (?:tiny|small|medium|big)int ) $/xi ? :
305 204 17629 unless (defined $DBD::SQLite::__DBIC_CHECK_dbd_can_bind_bigint_values)
306 204 0 &modver_gt_or_eq('DBD::SQLite', '1.37') ? :
311 30309 356 if (defined $bindattrs->[$i] and defined $bind->[$i][1] and grep {$bindattrs->[$i] eq $_;} &DBI::SQL_INTEGER(), &DBI::SQL_TINYINT(), &DBI::SQL_SMALLINT(), &DBI::SQL_BIGINT())
320 2 30307 if (not $bind->[$i][1] =~ /^ [\+\-]? [0-9]+ (?: \. 0* )? $/x) { }
0 30307 elsif (not $DBD::SQLite::__DBIC_CHECK_dbd_can_bind_bigint_values) { }
335 0 0 if ($bind->[$i][1] > 2147483647 or $bind->[$i][1] < -2147483648) { }