Branch Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
branch 20 26 76.9

line true false branch
45 0 714 if ref $class
47 0 714 unless $column
60 702 12 defined $as_index ? :
64 4 4295 if ($_ =~ /^ \Q$alias\E \. ([^\.]+) $ /x) { }
4295 0 elsif (not $_ =~ /\./) { }
77 6 708 if (scalar grep({not exists $$colmap{$_->[0]};} $rsrc->schema->storage->_extract_order_criteria($orig_attrs->{'order_by'})))
99 3 692 if (not $orig_attrs->{'group_by'} and $orig_attrs->{'collapse'})
101 3 0 if ($colmap->{$select} and $rsrc->_identifying_column_set([$colmap->{$select}])) { }
408 3 14 if (wantarray)
437 3 21 if ($rs->_resolved_attrs->{'group_by'})
456 0 0 if (ref $self and $self->{'_parent_resultset'}) { }
482 5 691 if ($self->{'_parent_resultset'}{'attrs'}{'distinct'})
487 2 3 unless ($cols{$select})