Condition Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
condition 0 67 0.0

and 3 conditions

line !l l&&!r l&&r condition
187 0 0 0 $special =~ /^\%\?/ and not exists $$self{'params'}{$name}{$key}
518 0 0 0 defined $rsh and ref $rsh eq 'HASH'
0 0 0 defined $rsh and ref $rsh eq 'HASH' and exists $$rsh{$_}
521 0 0 0 defined $links and ref $links ne 'HASH'

or 2 conditions

line l !l condition
58 0 0 $_[0] || {}
71 0 0 $$self{'params'}{'default'}{'!!Filename'} || $ENV{'PATH_TRANSLATED'} || undef
124 0 0 $self->find_param_file || (return 0)
266 0 0 $$self{'params'}{'default'}{'!Username'} || ''
276 0 0 $$p{'!UsernameExtention'} || ''
343 0 0 $DBIx::Recordset::LastError || $DBI::errstr || die('Could not tie array and no error message present')
419 0 0 $$self{'params'}{'!Goto'} || undef
528 0 0 $$src{$_}[$i] || undef

or 3 conditions

line l !l&&r !l&&!r condition
55 0 0 0 ref $object_or_class || $object_or_class
187 0 0 0 not $special or $special =~ /^\%[\=\!]/
0 0 0 not $special or $special =~ /^\%[\=\!]/ or $special =~ /^\%\?/ and not exists $$self{'params'}{$name}{$key}
300 0 0 0 exists $$p{'=update'} or exists $$p{'=insert'}
0 0 0 exists $$p{'=update'} or exists $$p{'=insert'} or not $$p{$_}
319 0 0 0 $$self{'params'}{'default'}{'!RecordsetClass'} || $DBIx::CGITables::Recordset_Class
350 0 0 0 $$self{'recordsets'}{$query}->Execute($$self{'params'}{$query}) or $self->handle_error($$self{'recordsets'}{$query}->LastError)
357 0 0 0 $$self{'params'}{'default'}{'=update'} or $$self{'params'}{'default'}{'=insert'}
360 0 0 0 $$self{'recordsets'}{$query}->Select($$self{'params'}{$query}) or $self->handle_error($$self{'recordsets'}{$query}->LastError)
373 0 0 0 ${*{"$$self{'recordset_class'}::FetchsizeWarn";}{'SCALAR'};} or $] < 5.00504
453 0 0 0 $$st{$_} or /^found_/
465 0 0 0 $$self{'params'}{'default'}{'!TemplateClass'} || $DBIx::CGITables::Template_Class
510 0 0 0 ref $$src{$_} eq 'ARRAY' or $$src{$_} =~ /^\*DBIx::Recordset/